Source code for agweatherqaqc.calc_functions

import logging as log
import numpy as np
from refet import Daily
from refet.calcs import _air_pressure, _ra_daily, _rso_daily

[docs]def calc_temperature_variables(month, tmax, tmin, tdew): """ Calculates the secondary temperature variables like mean monthly values Args: :month: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of month values for use in mean monthly calculations :tmax: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of maximum temperature values :tmin: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of minimum temperature values :tdew: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of dewpoint temperature values Returns: :delta_t: (ndarray) the daily difference between maximum temperature and minimum temperature :monthly_delta_t: (ndarray) monthly averaged delta_t (12 values total) values :k_not: (ndarray) the daily difference between minimum temperature and dewpoint temperature :monthly_k_not: (ndarray) monthly averaged k_not (12 values total) values :monthly_tmin: (ndarray) monthly averaged minimum temperature (12 values total) values :monthly_tdew: (ndarray) monthly averaged dewpoint temperature (12 values total) values """ delta_t = np.array(tmax - tmin) k_not = np.array(tmin - tdew) # ASCE Ref Appendix E Eq. 1 monthly_tmin = np.empty(12) monthly_tdew = np.empty(12) monthly_delta_t = np.empty(12) monthly_k_not = np.empty(12) # Create average monthly delta_t and average monthly k_not for downstream analysis j = 1 for k in range(12): temp_indexes = [ex for ex, ind in enumerate(month) if ind == j] temp_indexes = np.array(temp_indexes, dtype=int) monthly_tmin[k] = np.nanmean(tmin[temp_indexes]) monthly_tdew[k] = np.nanmean(tdew[temp_indexes]) monthly_delta_t[k] = np.nanmean(delta_t[temp_indexes]) monthly_k_not[k] = np.nanmean(k_not[temp_indexes]) j += 1 return delta_t, monthly_delta_t, k_not, monthly_k_not, monthly_tmin, monthly_tdew
[docs]def calc_humidity_variables(tmax, tmin, tavg, ea, ea_col, tdew, tdew_col, rhmax, rhmax_col, rhmin, rhmin_col, rhavg, rhavg_col): """ Takes in all possible humidity variables and figures out which one to use for the calculation of TDew and Ea. Unless otherwise cited, all equations are from ASCE refet manual Which variables used is determined by the variable column values in the input file, only those variables provided by the original data source will be used, and the decision tree follows this path: 1. If Ea exists but Tdew doesn't exist, use Ea to calculate Tdew. 2. If Ea doesn't exist but Tdew does, use Tdew to calculate Ea. 3. If neither exist but RHmax and RHmin exist, use those to calculate both Ea and Tdew. 4. If nothing else exists, use RHAvg to calculate both Ea and Tdew. If both Ea and TDew exist, then the function just returns those values. Args: :tmax: (ndarray) 1D array of maximum temperature values :tmin: (ndarray) 1D array of minimum temperature values :tavg: (ndarray) 1D array of average temperature values :ea: (ndarray) 1D array of vapor pressure values, which may be empty :ea_col: (int) column of ea variable in data file, if it was provided :tdew: (ndarray) 1D array of dewpoint temperature values, which may be empty :tdew_col: (int) column of tdew variable in data file, if it was provided :rhmax: (ndarray) 1D array of maximum relative humidity values, which may be empty :rhmax_col: (int) column of rhmax variable in data file, if it was provided :rhmin: (ndarray) 1D array of minimum relative humidity values, which may be empty :rhmin_col: (int) column of rhmin variable in data file, if it was provided :rhavg: (ndarray) 1D array of average relative humidity values, which may be empty :rhavg_col: (int) column of rhavg variable in data file, if it was provided Returns: :calc_ea: (ndarray) 1D array of vapor pressure values :calc_tdew: (ndarray) 1D array of dewpoint temperature values """ # Check to see if TDew exists, if it does not, then see what is provided to calculate it. if tdew_col == -1: # We are not given TDew if ea_col != -1: # Vapor Pressure exists, so it will be used to calculate TDew calc_ea = np.array(ea) # Calculate TDew using actual vapor pressure # Below equation was taken from the book "Evapotranspiration: Principles and # Applications for Water Management" by Goyal and Harmsen, Eq. 9 in chapter 13, page 320. calc_tdew = np.array((116.91 + (237.3 * np.log(calc_ea))) / (16.78 - np.log(calc_ea))) return calc_ea, calc_tdew elif ea_col == -1 and rhmax_col != -1 and rhmin_col != -1: # RHmax and RHmin exist but Ea does not exist eo_tmax = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * tmax) / (tmax + 237.3))) # units kPa, EQ 7 eo_tmin = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * tmin) / (tmin + 237.3))) # units kPa, EQ 7 calc_ea = np.array(((eo_tmin * (rhmax / 100)) + (eo_tmax * (rhmin / 100))) / 2) # EQ 11 calc_tdew = np.array((116.91 + (237.3 * np.log(calc_ea))) / (16.78 - np.log(calc_ea))) # EQ cited above return calc_ea, calc_tdew elif ea_col == -1 and rhmax_col == -1 and rhmin_col == -1 and rhavg_col != -1: # Only RHAvg exists, so use it eo_tavg = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * tavg) / (tavg + 237.3))) # units kPa, EQ 7 calc_ea = np.array(eo_tavg * (rhavg / 100)) # EQ 14 calc_tdew = np.array((116.91 + (237.3 * np.log(calc_ea))) / (16.78 - np.log(calc_ea))) # EQ cited above return calc_ea, calc_tdew else: # If an unsupported combination of humidity variables is passed, raise a value error. raise ValueError('calc_humidity_variables encountered an unexpected combination of inputs.') elif tdew_col != -1: # We are given tdew, so we check to see if ea also exists. calc_tdew = np.array(tdew) if ea_col == -1: # Vapor pressure not given, have to calculate from tdew calc_ea = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * calc_tdew) / (calc_tdew + 237.3))) # EQ 8, units kPa elif ea_col != -1: # Vapor pressure and tdew were both provided so we don't need to calculate either. calc_ea = np.array(ea) else: # If an unsupported combination of humidity variables is passed, raise a value error. raise ValueError('calc_humidity_variables encountered an unexpected combination of inputs.') return calc_ea, calc_tdew else: # If an unsupported combination of humidity variables is passed, raise a value error. raise ValueError('calc_humidity_variables encountered an unexpected combination of inputs.')
[docs]def calc_rso_and_refet(lat, elev, wind_anemom, doy, month, tmax, tmin, ea, uz, rs): """ Calculates clear-sky solar radiation and reference evapotranspiration variables using the refet package ( Args: :lat: (float) station latitude in decimal degrees :elev: (float) station elevation in meters :wind_anemom: (float) height of windspeed anemometer in meters :doy: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of day of year in record :month: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of current month in record :tmax: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of maximum temperature values :tmin: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of minimum temperature values :ea: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of vapor pressure in kPa :uz: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of average windspeed values :rs: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of solar radiation values Returns: :rso: (ndarray) 1-D array of clear sky solar radiation :monthly_rs: (ndarray) 1-D array of monthly averaged solar radiation (12 values total) values :eto: (ndarray) 1-D array of grass reference evapotranspiration in units mm/day :etr: (ndarray) 1-D array of alfalfa reference evapotranspiration in units mm/day :monthly_eto: (ndarray) 1-D array of monthly averaged grass reference ET (12 values total) values :monthly_etr: (ndarray) 1-D array of monthly averaged alfalfa reference ET (12 values total) values """ monthly_rs = np.empty(12) monthly_eto = np.empty(12) monthly_etr = np.empty(12) # Calculate rso values lat_radians = lat * np.pi / 180.0 # convert latitude into radians pressure = _air_pressure(elev=elev, method='asce') # returns air pressure in kpa ra = _ra_daily(lat=lat_radians, doy=doy, method='asce') # returns ra in mj/m2 rso = _rso_daily(ra=ra, ea=ea, pair=pressure, doy=doy, lat=lat_radians) # Calculating ETo in mm using refET package eto = Daily(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, ea=ea, rs=rs, uz=uz, zw=wind_anemom, elev=elev, lat=lat, doy=doy, method='asce', input_units={'tmin': 'c', 'tmax': 'c', 'ea': 'kpa', 'rs': 'w/m2', 'uz': 'm/s', 'lat': 'deg'}).eto() # Calculating ETr in mm using refET package etr = Daily(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, ea=ea, rs=rs, uz=uz, zw=wind_anemom, elev=elev, lat=lat, doy=doy, method='asce', input_units={'tmin': 'c', 'tmax': 'c', 'ea': 'kpa', 'rs': 'w/m2', 'uz': 'm/s', 'lat': 'deg'}).etr() # Calculate mean monthly values j = 1 for k in range(12): temp_indexes = [ex for ex, ind in enumerate(month) if ind == j] temp_indexes = np.array(temp_indexes, dtype=int) monthly_rs[k] = np.nanmean(rs[temp_indexes]) monthly_eto[k] = np.nanmean(eto[temp_indexes]) monthly_etr[k] = np.nanmean(etr[temp_indexes]) j += 1 rso = (rso * 1000000) / 86400 # Convert rso from MJ/m2 to w/m2 return rso, monthly_rs, eto, etr, monthly_eto, monthly_etr
[docs]def calc_rs_tr(month, rso, delta_t, mm_delta_t, b_zero, b_one, b_two): """ Calculates theoretical daily solar radiation according to the Thornton and Running 1999 model. Paper can be found here: Args: :month: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of months within dataset :rso: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of clear-sky solar radiation values in w/m2 :delta_t: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of difference between maximum and minimum temperature values :mm_delta_t: (ndarray) monthly averaged delta_t (12 values total) values :b_zero: (float) first B coefficient used in calculation of rs_tr, original value is 0.031 :b_one: (float) second B coefficient used in calculation of rs_tr, original value is 0.201 :b_two: (float) third B coefficient used in the calculation of rs_tr, original value is -0.185 Returns: :rs_tr: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of thornton-running solar radiation :mm_rs_tr: (ndarray) mean monthly averaged rs_tr (12 values total) values """ mm_rs_tr = np.empty(12) b_coefficient = np.array(b_zero + b_one * np.exp(b_two * mm_delta_t)) rs_tr = np.array(rso * (1 - 0.9 * np.exp(-1 * b_coefficient[month - 1] * delta_t ** 1.5))) # Create mean monthly values j = 1 for k in range(12): temp_indexes = [ex for ex, ind in enumerate(month) if ind == j] temp_indexes = np.array(temp_indexes, dtype=int) mm_rs_tr[k] = np.nanmean(rs_tr[temp_indexes]) j += 1 return rs_tr, mm_rs_tr
[docs]def calc_org_and_opt_rs_tr(mc_iterations, log_path, month, delta_t, mm_delta_t, rs, rso): """ This function performs a monte carlo simulation on the b coefficients that go into generating thornton- running solar radiation in an attempt to optimize a model that best fits observed solar radiation data. That best fit model will then be used to fill any missing observations in actual solar radiation for the calculation of reference evapotranspiration. See the function `calc_rs_tr()` for more information. The bracket size with which to generate random values is 0.5, this factor was chosen after trying different values on several stations and were a good balance of minimizing RMSE and processing speed. When running the script on the first mode, only 100 iterations are done to save time, it may be that optimized has worse parameters than original in this case, so we just return the original parameters as the optimized Args: :mc_iterations: (int) number of iterations in monte carlo simulation :log_path: (str) path to log file that we will write the b coefficients and other relevant info to :month: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of months within dataset :delta_t: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of difference between maximum and minimum temperature values :mm_delta_t: (ndarray) monthly averaged delta_t (12 values total) values :rs: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of observed solar radiation values in w/m2 :rso: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of clear-sky solar radiation values in w/m2 Returns: :org_rs_tr: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of thornton-running solar radiation with original B coefficient values :mm_org_rs_tr: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of monthly averaged org_rs_tr (12 values total) values :opt_rs_tr: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of thornton-running solar radiation with optimized B coefficient values :mm_opt_rs_tr: (ndarray) 1D numpy array of monthly averaged opt_rs_tr (12 values total) values """ print("\nSystem: Now performing a Monte Carlo simulation to optimize Thornton Running solar radiation parameters.") print("System: %s iterations are being run, this may take some time." % mc_iterations) b_zero = np.array(0.031 + (0.031 * 0.5) * np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=mc_iterations)) b_one = np.array(0.201 + (0.201 * 0.5) * np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=mc_iterations)) b_two = np.array(-0.185 + (-0.185 * 0.5) * np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=mc_iterations)) mc_rmse = np.zeros(mc_iterations) # Calculate rs_tr using original, unoptimized B coefficients (orig_rs_tr, mm_orig_rs_tr) = calc_rs_tr(month, rso, delta_t, mm_delta_t, 0.031, 0.201, -0.185) for i in range(mc_iterations): # Run all randomized b coefficients through thornton running calculation (mc_rs_tr, mm_mc_rs_tr) = calc_rs_tr(month, rso, delta_t, mm_delta_t, b_zero[i], b_one[i], b_two[i]) mc_rmse[i] = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((mc_rs_tr - rs) ** 2)) # Calculate RMSE to track how good those parameters were if (i % 100) == 0: # Update user so they don't think script is frozen. print('System: Processing Thornton-Running iteration: {} of {}'.format(i, mc_iterations)) else: pass # Now that we've iterated through all variations, find the best one min_rmse_index = np.nanargmin(mc_rmse) # Calculate RMSE of original rs_tr B coefficients orig_rmse = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((orig_rs_tr - rs) ** 2)) print('System: Original coefficients for TR Solar Radiation produced an RMSE of: {0:.4f}'.format(orig_rmse)) print('System: Optimized coefficients for TR Solar Radiation produced an RMSE of: {0:.4f}'. format(mc_rmse[min_rmse_index])) # Calculate the optimized rs_tr using the B coefficients that caused the lowest rmse (opt_rs_tr, mm_opt_rs_tr) = calc_rs_tr(month, rso, delta_t, mm_delta_t, b_zero[min_rmse_index], b_one[min_rmse_index], b_two[min_rmse_index]) # Write the b coefficients used to the log file then close it log.basicConfig() corr_log = open(log_path, 'a') corr_log.write('\n\nThornton-Running Solar Radiation Optimization') corr_log.write('\nMonte Carlo simulation with %s iterations produced the coefficients:' % mc_iterations) corr_log.write('\nb_zero = {0:.4f}, b_one = {1:.4f}, b_two = {2:.4f}'. format(b_zero[min_rmse_index], b_one[min_rmse_index], b_two[min_rmse_index])) corr_log.write('\nOptimized coefficients RMSE against observed solar radiation was: {0:.4f}'. format(mc_rmse[min_rmse_index])) corr_log.write('\nOriginal coefficients RMSE against observed solar radiation was: {0:.4f} \n\n' .format(orig_rmse)) corr_log.close() if orig_rmse < mc_rmse[min_rmse_index] and mc_iterations == 100: # if original was better than optimized, it is likely because we didn't do enough iterations # which is likely because we're not correcting data, so just return original as optimized opt_rs_tr = orig_rs_tr mm_opt_rs_tr = mm_orig_rs_tr elif orig_rmse < mc_rmse[min_rmse_index] and mc_iterations != 100: # this shouldn't happen, as we should have done enough iterations to beat original values, so raise an error raise ValueError('Thornton running optimization failed to beat original coefficient values.' + ' Try running again, and if this error persists please report it on github.') else: pass # Return both original and optimized rs_tr return orig_rs_tr, mm_orig_rs_tr, opt_rs_tr, mm_opt_rs_tr
[docs]def calc_compiled_ea(tmax, tmin, tavg, ea, tdew, tdew_col, rhmax, rhmax_col, rhmin, rhmin_col, rhavg, rhavg_col, tdew_ko): """ This function is used to create a 'compiled' ea from all provided humidity variables, always using the best one provided within the dataset for each given day of the record. This function will work regardless of if ea is provided by the dataset or not. See `qaqc_functions.compiled_humidity_adjustment` for more information. Args: :tmax: (ndarray) 1D array of maximum temperature values :tmin: (ndarray) 1D array of minimum temperature values :tavg: (ndarray) 1D array of average temperature values :ea: (ndarray) 1D array of vapor pressure values, which may be empty :tdew: (ndarray) 1D array of dewpoint temperature values, which may be empty :tdew_col: (int) column of Tdew variable in data file, if it is provided :rhmax: (ndarray) 1D array of maximum relative humidity values, which may be empty :rhmax_col: (int) column of rhmax variable in data file, if it was provided :rhmin: (ndarray) 1D array of minimum relative humidity values, which may be empty :rhmin_col: (int) column of rhmin variable in data file, if it was provided :rhavg: (ndarray) 1D array of average relative humidity values, which may be empty :rhavg_col: (int) column of rhavg variable in data file, if it was provided :tdew_ko: (ndarray) 1D array of tdew data filled in by tmin-ko curve Returns: :compiled_ea: (ndarray) 1D array of vapor pressure that has been compiled from the "best" data sources """ data_length = ea.shape[0] compiled_ea = np.empty(data_length) * np.nan tdew_calc_ea = np.empty(data_length) * np.nan rh_max_min_calc_ea = np.empty(data_length) * np.nan rh_avg_calc_ea = np.empty(data_length) * np.nan # TDew data filled in with TMin - Ko curve is always an option tdew_ko_calc_ea = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * tdew_ko) / (tdew_ko + 237.3))) # EQ 8, units kPa if tdew_col != -1: # Dewpoint temperature is provided tdew_calc_ea = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * tdew) / (tdew + 237.3))) # EQ 8, units kPa if rhmax_col != -1 and rhmin_col != -1: # relative humidity is provided eo_tmax = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * tmax) / (tmax + 237.3))) # units kPa, EQ 7 eo_tmin = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * tmin) / (tmin + 237.3))) # units kPa, EQ 7 rh_max_min_calc_ea = np.array(((eo_tmin * (rhmax / 100)) + (eo_tmax * (rhmin / 100))) / 2) # EQ 11 if rhavg_col != -1: # RHAvg is provided eo_tavg = np.array(0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * tavg) / (tavg + 237.3))) # units kPa, EQ 7 rh_avg_calc_ea = np.array(eo_tavg * (rhavg / 100)) # EQ 14 for i in range(data_length): if np.isnan(ea[i]): # Either Ea is provided or is already calculated by the best humidity variable available if not np.isnan(tdew_calc_ea[i]): compiled_ea[i] = tdew_calc_ea[i] elif np.isnan(tdew_calc_ea[i]) and not np.isnan(rh_max_min_calc_ea[i]): compiled_ea[i] = rh_max_min_calc_ea[i] elif np.isnan(tdew_calc_ea[i]) and np.isnan(rh_max_min_calc_ea[i]) and not np.isnan(rh_avg_calc_ea[i]): compiled_ea[i] = rh_avg_calc_ea[i] elif np.isnan(tdew_calc_ea[i]) and np.isnan(rh_max_min_calc_ea[i]) and np.isnan(rh_avg_calc_ea[i]): compiled_ea[i] = tdew_ko_calc_ea[i] else: # ea exists here so no need to fill compiled_ea[i] = ea[i] return compiled_ea
# This is never run by itself if __name__ == "__main__": print("\nThis module is called as a part of the QAQC script, it does nothing by itself.")