import csv
import numpy as np
import pathlib as pl
# Background color to be used for all plots
# This dictionary stores the variable names and plot features for each
# variable/pair of variables that may be processed
1: {"var_one_name": "Temperature Maximum",
"var_one_color": "red",
"var_two_name": "Temperature Minimum",
"var_two_color": "blue",
"units": "°C",
"qc_filename": "tmax_tmin"},
2: {"var_one_name": "Temperature Minimum",
"var_one_color": "blue",
"var_two_name": "Dewpoint Temperature",
"var_two_color": "black",
"units": "°C",
"qc_filename": "tmin_tdew"},
3: {"var_one_name": "Wind Speed",
"var_one_color": "black",
"var_two_name": None,
"var_two_color": None,
"units": "m/s",
"qc_filename": "wind"},
4: {"var_one_name": "Precipitation",
"var_one_color": "black",
"var_two_name": None,
"var_two_color": None,
"units": "mm",
"qc_filename": "precip"},
5: {"var_one_name": "Solar Radiation",
"var_one_color": "blue",
"var_two_name": "Clear-Sky Solar Radiation",
"var_two_color": "black",
"units": "w/m2",
"qc_filename": "solar"},
6: {"var_one_name": "Solar Radiation",
"var_one_color": "blue",
"var_two_name": "Thornton-Running Solar Radiation",
"var_two_color": "black",
"units": "w/m2",
"qc_filename": None},
7: {"var_one_name": "Vapor Pressure",
"var_one_color": "black",
"var_two_name": None,
"var_two_color": None,
"units": "kPa",
"qc_filename": "vapor"},
8: {"var_one_name": "RH Maximum",
"var_one_color": "blue",
"var_two_name": "RH Minimum",
"var_two_color": "red",
"units": "%",
"qc_filename": "rhmax_rhmin"},
9: {"var_one_name": "RH Average",
"var_one_color": "black",
"var_two_name": None,
"var_two_color": None,
"units": "%",
"qc_filename": "rhavg"},
10: {"var_one_name": "Ko Curve",
"var_one_color": "black",
"var_two_name": None,
"var_two_color": None,
"units": "°C",
"qc_filename": None}
[docs]def validate_file(file_path, expected_extensions):
Checks to see if provided path is valid, while also checking to see if file is of expected type.
Raises exceptions if either of those fail. Returns nothing.
:file_path: (str) path to file
:expected_extensions: (list) possible expected file types
# Check to see if provided config file path actually points to a file.
if pl.Path(file_path).is_file():
# Next check to see if provided file is of the appropriate type.
# by obtaining the ending suffix and checking it against the expected types
file_extension = pl.PurePath(file_path).suffix.split('.', 1)[1] # Remove period
file_extension = file_extension.lower() # Make it lowercase
if file_extension not in expected_extensions:
raise IOError('\n\nProvided file was of type \'{}\' but script was expecting type \'{}\'.'
.format(file_extension, expected_extensions))
raise IOError('\n\nUnable to find the file at path \'{}\'.'.format(file_path))
[docs]def determine_delimiter(file_path):
Uses the csv.Sniffer class to determine the delimiter of an input file
Will parse the first 5 lines and raise an error if the delimiter is not consistent
:file_path: (str) path to file to parse
:delim: (str) delimiter for the input file, to be used in pandas.read_csv()
print(f'Attempting to parse the input file located at {file_path}.')
sniffer = csv.Sniffer()
sniffer.preferred.extend(['|']) # add to the preferred list of delimiters
delimiter_list = []
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
for row in range(5):
line = next(f).strip()
delim = sniffer.sniff(line).delimiter
# Check to see if file structure is uniform and raise an error if not
uniform_delimiters = all(i == delimiter_list[0] for i in delimiter_list)
if not uniform_delimiters:
raise IOError(f'The file at {file_path} has inconsistent delimiters and cannot be parsed. Delimiters found: \n'
f'{delimiter_list}.\n Consider removing the header/footer information if the formatting '
f'differs from the rest of the data file.')
# Uniform delimiters found, return delimiter
return delim