Source code for gridwxcomp.interpgdal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains objects for interfacing ``gridwxcomp`` with gdal command line tools
used for spatial interpolation of scattered point data.
import os
import subprocess
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
from copy import copy
from pathlib import Path
from xml.dom import minidom

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# allows for CL script usage if gridwxcomp not installed
    from .spatial import get_subgrid_bounds, zonal_stats, calc_pt_error
    from .plot import station_bar_plot
    from spatial import get_subgrid_bounds, zonal_stats, calc_pt_error
    from plot import station_bar_plot

[docs]class InterpGdal(object): """ Usage of gdal command line tools within ``gridwxcomp``, currently utilizes the `gdal_grid <>`_ command line tool. Arguments: summary_csv_path (str): path to [var]_summary_comp CSV file created by :mod:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios` containing point bias ratios, lat, and long. Attributes: CELL_SIZE (float): resolution of gridMET dataset in decimal degrees. summary_csv_path (:obj:`pathlib.Path`): absolute path object to input ``summary_csv_path``. layers (list): list of layers in ``summary_csv_path`` to interpolate e.g. when using :meth:`InterpGdal.gdal_grid` with ``layer="all"`` defaults to :attr:`InterpGdal.default_layers`. grid_bounds (tuple or None): default None. Extent for interpolation raster in order (min long, max long, min lat, max lat). interp_meth (str): default 'invdist'. gdal_grid interpolation method. interped_rasters (list): empty list that is appended with :obj:`pathlib.Path` objects to interpolated rasters after using :meth:`InterpGdal.gdal_grid`. params (dict or None): default None. After :meth:`InterpGdal.gdal_grid` ``params`` is updated with the last used interpolation parameters in the form of a dictionary with parameter names as keys. Example: The :class:`InterpGdal` class is useful for experimenting with multiple interpolation algorithms provided by gdal which are optimized and often sensitive to multiple parameters. We can use the object to loop over a range of parameter combinations to test how algorithms perform, we might pick a single layer to test, in this case the growing season bias ratios between station and gridMET reference evapotranspiration (etr_mm). Below is a routine to conduct a basic sensitivity analysis of the power and smooth parameters of the inverse distance to a power interpolation method, >>> from gridwxcomp import InterpGdal >>> import os >>> # create instance variable from summary csv >>> summary_file = 'PATH/TO/etr_mm_summary_comp.csv' >>> # create a InterpGdal instance >>> test = InterpGdal(summary_file) >>> layer = 'growseason_mean' # could be a list >>> # run inverse distance interpolation with different params >>> for p in range(1,10): >>> for s in [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]: >>> # build output directory based on parameter sets >>> out_dir = os.path.join('spatial', 'invdist', >>> 'power={}_smooth={}'.format(p, s)) >>> params = {'power': p, 'smooth': s} >>> test.gdal_grid(out_dir=out_dir, layer=layer, params=params) Note, we did not assign the interpolation method 'invdist' because it is the default. To use another interpolation method we would assign the ``interp_meth`` kwarg to :meth:`InterpGdal.gdal_grid`. Similarly, we could experiment with other parameters which all can be found in the class attribute :attr:`InterpGdal.default_params`. The instance variable :attr:`InterpGdal.params` can also be used to save metadata on parameters used for each run. """ # constant gridMET cell size in degrees GRIDMET_RES = 0.041666666666666664 # gdal_grid interpolation methods interp_methods = ('average', 'invdist', 'invdistnn', 'linear', 'nearest') """ interp_methods (tuple): gdal_grid interpolation algorithms. """ # default layers calculated by calc bias ratios module default_layers = ('Jan_mean', 'Feb_mean', 'Mar_mean', 'Apr_mean', 'May_mean', 'Jun_mean', 'Jul_mean', 'Aug_mean', 'Sep_mean', 'Oct_mean', 'Nov_mean', 'Dec_mean', 'growseason_mean', 'annual_mean', 'summer_mean') """ default_layers (tuple): Layers to interpolate created by :mod:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`, e.g. "Jan_mean", found in ``summary_csv_path``. """ # interp params, method key, param dic as values default_params = { 'invdist':{ 'power': 2, 'smoothing': 0, 'radius1': 0, 'radius2': 0, 'angle': 0, 'max_points': 0, 'min_points': 0, 'nodata': -999 }, 'invdistnn':{ 'power': 2, 'smoothing': 0, 'radius': 10, 'max_points': 12, 'min_points': 0, 'nodata': -999 }, 'average':{ 'radius1': 0, 'radius2': 0, 'angle': 0, 'min_points': 0, 'nodata': -999 }, 'linear':{ 'radius': -1, 'nodata': -999 }, 'nearest':{ 'radius1': 0, 'radius2': 0, 'angle': 0, 'nodata': -999 } } """ default_params (dict): Dictionary with default parameters for each interpolation algorithm, slightly modified from GDAL defaults. Keys are interpolation method names, keys are dictionaries with parameter names keys and corresponding values. """ # maps bias ratio variables names to residual names for point shapefile # which must be shorter (< 11 characters) to be stored as fields var_residual_names = { 'annual_mean': 'annual_res', 'growseason_mean': 'grow_res', 'summer_mean': 'summer_res' } """ var_residual_names (dict): Dictionary that maps names of bias ratios to the name of their intepolated residual if they are too long for storing as a field name in an ESRI shapefile (i.e. > 10 chars). """ def __init__(self, summary_csv_path): if not Path(summary_csv_path).is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( 'Summary CSV file: {} not found!'.format( Path(summary_csv_path).absolute()) ) self.summary_csv_path = Path(summary_csv_path).absolute() self.layers = list(self.default_layers) # mutable instance attr. self.grid_bounds = None self.interp_meth = 'invdist' self.interped_rasters = [] # appended with Path objects self.params = None # to hold last used interp. parameters as dict def _make_pt_vrt(self, layer_name, out_dir): """ Make a vrt file for station point ratios in summary CSV for a specific layer or field name. Save to out_dir. Used for gdal_grid interpolation commands of scatter point data. """ if not Path(out_dir).is_dir(): os.makedirs(out_dir) point_data = Path(self.summary_csv_path).name.replace( '.csv', '_tmp.csv') # make tmp point data csv for given layer, drop missing values df = pd.read_csv(self.summary_csv_path) df = df[['STATION_LAT', 'STATION_LON', layer_name]] df = df[df[layer_name] != -999] tmp_out_path = str(Path(self.summary_csv_path).parent / point_data) df.to_csv(tmp_out_path, index=False) # if out_dir adjust summary CSV path by prepending parent dirs tmp = copy(Path(out_dir)) n_parent_dirs = 0 while len(Path(tmp).parents) > 0: if == break tmp = Path(tmp).parent n_parent_dirs+=1 path_to_data = str( Path( '..{}'.format(os.sep)*n_parent_dirs ).joinpath(point_data) ) out_file = '{}.vrt'.format(layer_name) # keep it simple just layer name # VRT format for reading CSV point data root = ET.Element('OGRVRTDataSource') OGRVRTLayer = ET.SubElement(root, 'OGRVRTLayer', name=point_data.replace('.csv', '')) # set all fields, SRS WGS84, point geom ET.SubElement(OGRVRTLayer, 'SrcDataSource').text = path_to_data ET.SubElement(OGRVRTLayer, 'LayerSRS').text = 'epsg:4326' ET.SubElement(OGRVRTLayer, 'GeometryType').text = 'wkbPoint' ET.SubElement(OGRVRTLayer, 'GeometryField', encoding='PointFromColumns', x='STATION_LON', y='STATION_LAT', z=layer_name) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) # indent xml, save to out_dir out_xml_str = _prettify(root) out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_file) with open(out_path, 'w') as outf: outf.write(out_xml_str) def _str_to_params(self, param_str): """ Convert parameter string for gdal interpolation arguments into a dictionary. Example: >>> in_str = ":power=2:smoothing=.1:nodata=-999" >>> _str_to_params(in_str) {'power': '2', 'smoothing': '.1', 'nodata': '-999'} """ param_tmp = param_str.split(':') param_dict = {} for pair in param_tmp: if pair and pair.count('=') == 1: name, val = pair.split('=')[0], pair.split('=')[1] param_dict[name] = val elif not pair: continue else: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid interpolation argument'\ .format(param_str)) return param_dict
[docs] def gdal_grid(self, layer='all', out_dir='', interp_meth='invdist', params=None, bounds=None, nx_cells=None, ny_cells=None, scale_factor=1, z_stats=True, res_plot=True, grid_res=None, grid_id_name='GRIDMET_ID', options=None): """ Run gdal_grid command line tool to interpolate point ratios. For further information on theinterpolation algorithms including their function, parameters, and options see `gdal_grid <>`_. Keyword Arguments: layer (str or list): default 'all'. Name of summary file column to interpolate, e.g. 'Jan_mean', or list of names. If 'all' use all variables in mutable instance attribute "layers". out_dir (str): default ''. Output directory to save rasters and zonal stats CSV, always appended to the root dir of the input summary CSV parent path that contains point ratios. interp_meth (str): default 'invdist'. gdal interpolation algorithm params (dict, str, or None): default None. Parameters for interpolation algorithm. See examples for format rules. bounds (tuple or None): default None. Tuple of bounding coordinates in the following order (min long, max long, min lat, max lat) which need to be in decimal degrees. If None, get extent from locations of climate stations in input summary CSV with 25 cell buffer. nx_cells (int): default None. Number of pixels in x dim. of raster, if None calculated from ``bounds``. ny_cells (int): default None. Number of pixels in y dim. of raster, if None calculated from ``bounds``. scale_factor (float, int): default 1. Scaling factor to apply to original gridMET fishnet to create resampling resolution. If scale_factor = 0.1, the resolution will be one tenth gridMET resolution or 400 m. z_stats (bool): default True. Calculate zonal means of interpolated surface to gridMET cells in fishnet and save to a CSV file. The CSV file will be saved to the same directory as the interpolated raster file(s). res_plot (bool): default True. Make bar plot for residual (error) between interpolated and station value for ``layer``. options (str or None): default None. Extra command line options for gdal_grid spatial interpolation. Returns: None Examples: The default interpolation algorithm 'invdist' or inverse distance weighting to a power to interpolate bias ratios in a summary CSV file that was first created by :mod:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. The default option will interpolate all layers in :obj:`InterpGdal.default_layers` and calculate zonal statistics for all layers. It will also assume the boundaries of the rasters are defined by the centroid locations of the *outer* station locations in the input summary CSV plus a 25 gridMET cell buffer, the pixel size will be 400m (scale_factor=0.1). We also limit the interpolation to two layers, growing season and annual mean bias ratios, >>> from gridwxcomp import InterpGdal >>> summary_file = 'PATH/TO/[var]_summary_comp.csv' >>> out_dir = 'default_params' >>> layers = ['growseason_mean', 'annual_mean'] >>> # create a InterpGdal instance >>> test = InterpGdal(summary_file) >>> # run inverse distance interpolation >>> test.gdal_grid(out_dir=out_dir, layer=layers) Note, zonal statistics to gridMET cells and interpolated residual plots are computed by default. A gridMET fishnet must have been previously created using :func:`gridwxcomp.spatial.make_grid`. After running the code above the following files will be created in the 'default_params' directory which will be build in the same location as the input summary CSV:: default_params/ ├── annual_mean.tiff ├── annual_mean.vrt ├── etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.cpg ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.dbf ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.prj ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.shp ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.shx ├── zonal_stats.csv ├── growseason_mean.tiff ├── growseason_mean.vrt └── residual_plots/ ├── annual_res.html └── grow_res.html GeoTiff interpolated raster files are now created for select layers as well as VRT (virtual raster) meta files that store info on each raster's data source. The file "gridMET_stats.csv" contains gridMET ID as an index and each layer zonal mean as columns. For example, ========== ================== ================== GRIDMET_ID growseason_mean annual_mean ========== ================== ================== 511747 0.9650671287940088 0.9078723876243023 510361 0.9658465063428492 0.9097255715561022 508975 0.9667075970344162 0.9117676407214926 ========== ================== ================== There are several :class:`InterpGdal` instance attributes that may be useful, for example to see the parameters that were used for the last call to :meth:`InterpGdal.gdal_grid` >>> test.params {'power': 2, 'smoothing': 0, 'radius1': 0, 'radius2': 0, 'angle': 0, 'max_points': 0, 'min_points': 0, 'nodata': -999} Or to find the paths to the interpolated raster files that have been created by the instance (all), the "interped_rasters" instance attribute is a list of all :obj:`pathlib.Path` objects of absolute paths of raster files. To get them as strings, >>> list(map(str, test.interped_rasters)) ['PATH/TO/growseason_mean.tiff', 'PATH/TO/annual_mean.tiff'] Similary, the raster extent that was used and will be used again for any subsequent calls of :meth:`InterpGdal.gdal_grid` can be retrieved by >>> test.grid_bounds (-111.74583329966664, -108.74583330033335, 38.21250000003333, 40.462499999966674) Note: The ``nx_cells`` and ``ny_cells`` arguments are an option for defining the output raster's resolution. If these arguments are passed then the ``scale_factor`` argument has no effect. The latter assumes raster resolution is relative to gridMET (4 km). Raises: KeyError: if interp_meth is not a valid gdal_grid interpolation algorithm name. """ cwd = os.getcwd() # user provided uniform grid, cell size should be in dec. degrees if grid_res is not None: CS = grid_res else: # assume gridMET CS = self.GRIDMET_RES self.grid_res = CS # grid resolution in decimal degrees res = scale_factor * CS # file structure to match gridwxcomp.spatial.interpolate grid_var = str(self.summary_csv_path).split('_summary')[0] # out_dir as subdir from dir with summary CSV out_dir = (Path(self.summary_csv_path).parent/Path(out_dir)).resolve() if not out_dir.is_dir(): print('{}\nDoes not exist, creating directory'.format(str(out_dir))) out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) source_file = Path(self.summary_csv_path).name source = source_file.replace('.csv', '_tmp') if interp_meth not in InterpGdal.interp_methods: err_msg = '{} not a valid interpolation method'.format(interp_meth) raise KeyError(err_msg) self.interp_meth = interp_meth # look up default parameters for interpolation method if not params: params = InterpGdal.default_params.get(self.interp_meth) # if run from command line, params is string to be parsed if isinstance(params, str): params = self._str_to_params(params) # avoid zero NA values for zonal_stats, set default NA rep to -999 if not params.get('nodata'): params['nodata'] = -999 # update instance parameters for later reference self.params = params # parameters to command line input str :name=value:name=value ... param_str = ':'+':'.join('{}={}'.format(key,val) for (key,val) in params.items()) # get boundary info and update instance attribute if not bounds and not self.grid_bounds: # use gridwxcomp.spatial function, assume 25 cell buffer self.grid_bounds = get_subgrid_bounds(self.summary_csv_path, buffer=25, grid_res=CS) elif bounds: self.grid_bounds = bounds # raster extent xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = self.grid_bounds # if not given get pixels in lon lat # add one cell to avoid unfilled extent in case of large upscaling if not nx_cells: nx_cells = int(np.abs(xmin - xmax) / \ (CS * scale_factor)) + 1 if not ny_cells: ny_cells = int(np.abs(ymin - ymax) / \ (CS * scale_factor)) + 1 # fix any minor adjustments to make raster fit gridMET fishnet extent # if scale_factor=1 make sure raster pixels align exactly w/gridcells xmax = xmin + nx_cells * CS * scale_factor ymin = ymax - ny_cells * CS * scale_factor # to parse options, like --config GDAL_NUM_THREADS update here if not options: options = '' def _run_gdal_grid(layer): """reuse if running multiple layers""" existing_layers = pd.read_csv(self.summary_csv_path).columns if not layer in existing_layers: print('\nError: {} does not exist in input CSV:\n {}'.format( layer, self.summary_csv_path), '\nSkipping interpolation.' ) return # move to out_dir to run gdal command os.chdir(out_dir) # build vrt files in out_dir self._make_pt_vrt(layer, out_dir) vrt_file = '{}.vrt'.format(layer) tiff_file = '{}.tiff'.format(layer) # add raster path to instance if not already there (overwritten) out_file = out_dir.joinpath(tiff_file) # print message to console/logging about interpolation grid_var = Path(self.summary_csv_path).name.split('_summ')[0] _interp_msg(grid_var, layer, self.interp_meth, res, out_file) # build command line arguments cmd = (r'gdal_grid -a {meth}{p} -txe {xmin} {xmax} -tye {ymax}' ' {ymin} -outsize {nx} {ny} -of GTiff -ot Float32 -l {source}' ' {vrt} {out} {options}'.format(meth=interp_meth, p=param_str, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, nx=nx_cells, ny=ny_cells, source=source, vrt=vrt_file, out=tiff_file, options=options)) # run gdal_grid with arguments, x-platform p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if err: print(err) else: if not out_file in self.interped_rasters: self.interped_rasters.append(out_file) p.stdout.close() p.stderr.close() os.chdir(cwd) # calculate interpolated values and error at stations # only calc residuals for mean bias ratios, i.e. not std dev, etc. if layer in InterpGdal.default_layers: calc_pt_error(self.summary_csv_path, out_dir, layer, grid_var, grid_id_name=grid_id_name ) else: # delete tmp summary csv used in interpgdal _make_pt_vrt method # normally deleted in calc_pt_error tmp_csv = str(self.summary_csv_path).replace('.csv','_tmp.csv') if Path(tmp_csv).resolve().is_file(): Path(tmp_csv).resolve().unlink() # zonal means extracted to GRIDMET_ID (cell index) if z_stats: zonal_stats(self.summary_csv_path, out_file, grid_id_name=grid_id_name ) # residual (error) bar plot, only for mean bias ratios if res_plot and layer in InterpGdal.default_layers: layer = self.var_residual_names.get( layer, layer.replace('mean','res') ) y_label = 'residual (interpolated minus station value)' title = 'layer: {} algorithm: {} (gdal_grid) res: {} deg.'.\ format(layer, self.interp_meth, res) res_plot_dir = Path(out_dir)/'residual_plots' subtitle = 'parameters: {}'.format(params) source_file = Path(out_dir)/Path(self.summary_csv_path).name station_bar_plot(source_file, layer, out_dir=res_plot_dir, y_label=y_label, title=title, subtitle=subtitle) # run interpolation and zonal statistics depending on layer kwarg if layer == 'all': # potential for multiprocessing for l in self.layers: _run_gdal_grid(l) # run single field elif isinstance(layer, str): _run_gdal_grid(layer) # run select list or tuple of layers elif isinstance(layer, (list, tuple)): for l in layer: _run_gdal_grid(l)
def _prettify(elem): """ Return an indented, multiline XML string for a XML element tree. """ rough_string = ET.tostring(elem, 'utf-8', method='xml') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=' ') def _interp_msg(grid_var, layer, function, res, out_file): print( '\nInterpolating {g} point bias ratios for: {t}\n'.\ format(g=grid_var, t=layer), 'Using the "{}" method\n'.format(function), 'Resolution (pixel size) of output raster: {} degrees'.format(res) ) print( 'GeoTIFF raster will be saved to: \n', os.path.abspath(out_file) )