Source code for gridwxcomp.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create interactive HTML comparison plots between paired station and 
gridMET climatic variables or bar comparison plots between interpolated and 
station point data. 

import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import datetime as dt
from math import pi
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from bokeh import models
from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, figure, output_file, save
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot

# allows for CL script usage if gridwxcomp not installed
    from .util import parse_yr_filter
    from util import parse_yr_filter

[docs]def daily_comparison(input_csv, out_dir=None, year_filter=None): """ Compare daily weather station data from `PyWeatherQAQC <>`_ with gridMET for each month in year specified. The :func:`daily_comparison` function produces HTML files with time series and scatter plots of station versus gridMET climate variables. It uses the `bokeh <>`_ module to create interactive plots, e.g. they can be zoomed in/out and panned. Separate plot files are created for each month of a single year. Arguments: input_csv (str): path to input CSV file containing paired station/ gridMET metadata. This file is created by running :mod:`gridwxcomp.prep_input` followed by :mod:`gridwxcomp.download_gridmet_opendap`. Keyword Arguments: out_dir (str or None): default None. Directory to save comparison plots, if None save to "daily_comp_plots" in currect directory. year_filter (str or None): default None. Single year YYYY or range YYYY-YYYY Returns: None Example: The :func:`daily_comparison` function will generate HTML files with bokeh plots for paired climate variables, e.g. etr_mm, eto_mm, u2_ms, tmin_c, tmax_c, srad_wm2, ea_kpa, and Ko (dew point depression). Monthly plots are created for a single year. From the command line, use the "plot" command with the ``[-t, --plot-type]`` option set to station-grid-comp and the ``[-f, --freq]`` option left as default ("daily"), .. code-block:: sh $ gridwxcomp plot merged_input.csv -t station-grid-comp -o comp_plots_2016 -y 2016 or within Python, >>> from gridwxcomp.plot import daily_comparison >>> daily_comparison('merged_input.csv', 'comp_plots_2016', '2016') Both methods result in monthly HTML `bokeh <>`_ plots being saved to "comp_plots_2016/STATION_ID/" where "STATION_ID" is the station ID as found in the input CSV file. A file is saved for each month with the station ID, month, and year in the file name. If ``out_dir`` keyword argument or ``[-o, --out-dir]`` command line option is not given the plots will be saved to a directory named "daily_comp_plots". Note: If there are less than five days of data in a month the plot for that month will not be created. """ if not out_dir: out_dir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): print('{} does not exist, creating directory'.format(out_dir)) os.makedirs(out_dir) year = year_filter'\nProcessing Year: {}'.format(year)) # # Import Station/GRIDMET meta data shapefile paired_data = pd.read_csv(input_csv, sep=',') # List of variables to compare (STATION/gridMET ORDER SHOULD MATCH) station_vars = ['TMin (C)', 'TMax (C)', 'wx_Ko_c', 'Rs (w/m2)', 'ws_2m (m/s)', 'Vapor Pres (kPa)', 'RHAvg (%)', 'Precip (mm)', 'ETo (mm)', 'ETr (mm)'] gridmet_vars = ['tmin_c', 'tmax_c', 'grid_Ko_c', 'srad_wm2', 'u2_ms', 'ea_kpa', 'rh_avg', 'prcp_mm', 'eto_mm', 'etr_mm'] # # Limit row processing range (testing) # start = 0 # end = 1 #Loop through each station/gridmet pair for index, row in paired_data.iterrows(): # # Limit iteration during development # if index < start: # continue # if index >= end: # break # clear previous datasets grid_data = [] station_data = [] station_path = row.STATION_FILE_PATH'\nStation: {}'.format(row.STATION_ID)) # Check is station path is given in input if pd.isnull(station_path):'Station path is not given. Skipping.') continue # Skip If FILE DOES NOT EXIST if not os.path.exists(station_path):'SKIPPING {}. NO STATION FILE FOUND.'.format( station_path)) continue else: # pyweather QAQC format if excel if station_path.endswith(('.xlsx','xlx')): station_data = pd.read_excel(station_path, sheet_name='Corrected Data', parse_dates=True, index_col=0) else: station_data = pd.read_csv(station_path, parse_dates=True, index_col=0) # Filter years if year: station_data, year_str = parse_yr_filter( station_data, year, label=row.STATION_ID) else: start_yr = int(station_data.index.year.min()) end_yr = int(station_data.index.year.max()) year_str = '{}_{}'.format(start_yr, end_yr) # Import GRIDMET Data grid_path = row.GRID_FILE_PATH # Skip if GRIDMET FILE DOES NOT EXIST if not os.path.exists(grid_path): print('SKIPPING {}. NO GRIDMET FILE FOUND.'.format(grid_path)) continue else: grid_data = pd.read_csv(grid_path, sep=',',parse_dates=True, index_col='date') # Filter to specific year # grid_data = grid_data[grid_data['year'] == year] # Add Tdew to gridmet dataset Teten's equation ASCE REF-ET # supporting equations Appendix 2-1 grid_data['tdew_c'] = (116.91 + 237.3 * np.log(grid_data.ea_kpa)) /\ (16.78 - np.log(grid_data.ea_kpa)) # Calculate Tmin - Tdew = Ko for both Station and GridMET # Dew Point Depression grid_data['grid_Ko_c'] = grid_data.tmin_c - grid_data.tdew_c station_data['wx_Ko_c'] = station_data['TMin (C)'] - \ station_data['TDew (C)'] # grid RH Avg calc # Saturated Vapor Pressure grid_data['tavg_c'] = (grid_data.tmin_c + grid_data.tmax_c) / 2 grid_data['e_sat_kpa'] = 0.6108 * np.exp( (17.27 * grid_data.tavg_c) / (grid_data.tavg_c + 237.3)) # Average RH (%) grid_data['rh_avg'] = (grid_data.ea_kpa / grid_data.e_sat_kpa) * 100 # Combine station and gridMET dataframes (only plotting variables) #return station_data, station_vars, grid_data, gridmet_vars merged = pd.concat([ station_data[station_vars], grid_data[gridmet_vars]], axis=1 ) for month in range(1,13):'Month: {}'.format(month)) monthly_data = merged[merged.index.month==month] if len(monthly_data.index)<= 5:'Skipping. Less than 5 observations in ' 'month.') continue # Output Folder out_folder = os.path.join(out_dir, 'daily_comp_plots', '{}'.format( row.STATION_ID.replace(" ",""))) # Create path if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(out_folder): os.makedirs(out_folder) # Output to HTML file out_file_path = os.path.join(out_folder, '{}_{:02}_{}.html')\ .format(row.STATION_ID.replace(" ", ""), month, year_str) output_file(out_file_path) station_vars = ['TMin (C)', 'TMax (C)', 'wx_Ko_c', 'Rs (w/m2)', 'ws_2m (m/s)', 'Vapor Pres (kPa)', 'RHAvg (%)', 'Precip (mm)', 'ETo (mm)', 'ETr (mm)'] gridmet_vars = ['tmin_c', 'tmax_c', 'grid_Ko_c', 'srad_wm2', 'u2_ms', 'ea_kpa', 'rh_avg', 'prcp_mm', 'eto_mm', 'etr_mm'] # list of x variables x_var_list= station_vars # list of y variables y_var_list= gridmet_vars # title list title_list= ['TMin', 'TMax', 'Ko' , 'Rs', 'WS 2m', 'ea', 'RH', 'Prcp', 'ETo', 'ETr'] # timeseries y label list ts_ylabel_list = ['TMin (C)', 'TMax (C)', 'Ko (C)', 'Rs (w/m2)', 'WS 2m (m/s)', 'ea (kPa)', 'Avg RH (%)', 'Prcp (mm)', 'ETo (mm)', 'ETr (mm)'] # scatter xlabel list xlabel_list = ['Station TMin (C)', 'Station TMax (C)', 'Station Ko (C)', 'Station Rs (w/m2)', 'Station WS 2m (m/s)', 'Station ea (kPa)', 'Station RH (%)', 'Station Prcp (mm)', 'Station ETo (mm)', 'Station ETr (mm)'] # scatter ylabel list ylabel_list = ['gridMET TMin (C)', 'gridMET TMax (C)', 'gridMET Ko (C)', 'gridMET Rs (w/m2)', 'gridMET WS 2m (m/s)', 'gridMET ea (kPa)', 'gridMET RH (%)', 'gridMET Prcp (mm)', 'gridMET ETo (mm)', 'gridMET ETr (mm)'] # legendx list legendx_list = ['Station'] * len(title_list) # legend y list legendy_list = ['gridMET'] * len(title_list) # empty list to append figures to figure_list = [] # loop through and create figures for each variable using vars # and plot labels from lists above for i, (x_var, y_var, title, ts_ylabel, xlabel, ylabel, legendx, legendy) in enumerate(zip(x_var_list, y_var_list, title_list, ts_ylabel_list, xlabel_list, ylabel_list, legendx_list, legendy_list)): # lstsq cannot have nans (drop nas for each var separately) monthly_data2 = monthly_data[[x_var, y_var]] monthly_data2 = monthly_data2.dropna() monthly_data2['date'] = monthly_data2.index'' monthly_data2.reset_index(inplace=True) if monthly_data2.empty:"Skipping {}. No Data.".format(x_var)) continue if i == 0: # Initial timeseries plot to establish xrange for link axes p1 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=400, title = title, x_axis_type="datetime", y_axis_label = ts_ylabel) p1.line(monthly_data2.index, monthly_data2[x_var], color="navy", alpha=0.5, legend_label=legendx,line_width=2) p1.line(monthly_data2.index, monthly_data2[y_var], color="red", alpha=0.5, legend_label=legendy,line_width=2) p1.xaxis.major_label_overrides = { i: date.strftime( '%Y %b %d' ) for i, date in enumerate(pd.to_datetime( ) )} else: # Timeseries plots after first pass p1 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=400, title = title, x_axis_type="datetime", y_axis_label=ts_ylabel, x_range=p1.x_range) p1.line(monthly_data2.index, monthly_data2[x_var], color="navy", alpha=0.5, legend_label=legendx,line_width=2) p1.line(monthly_data2.index, monthly_data2[y_var], color="red", alpha=0.5, legend_label=legendy,line_width=2) p1.xaxis.major_label_overrides = { i: date.strftime('%Y %b %d') for i, date in enumerate( pd.to_datetime( ) } # 1 to 1 Plot # Regression through Zero # # zero-interception-in-linear-regression/9994484#9994484 m = np.linalg.lstsq(monthly_data2[x_var].values.reshape(-1,1), monthly_data2[y_var], rcond=None)[0][0] r_x, r_y = zip(*((i, i*m ) for i in range( int(np.min([monthly_data2[y_var],monthly_data2[x_var]])-2), int(np.max([monthly_data2[y_var], monthly_data2[x_var]])+3),1))) # Plots p2 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_axis_label = xlabel, y_axis_label = ylabel, title = 'Slope Through Zero: m = {}'.format( round(m,4)))[x_var], monthly_data2[y_var], size=15, color="navy", alpha=0.5) p2.line([int(np.min([monthly_data2[y_var], monthly_data2[x_var]])-2),int(np.max( [monthly_data2[y_var],monthly_data2[x_var]])+2)], [int(np.min([monthly_data2[y_var], monthly_data2[x_var]])-2),int(np.max( [monthly_data2[y_var],monthly_data2[x_var]])+2)], color = "black", legend_label = '1 to 1 line') p2.line(r_x, r_y, color="red", legend_label = 'Reg thru zero') p2.legend.location = "top_left" # Append [p1, p2] to figure_list (create list of lists) figure_list.append([p1, p2]) #return figure_list, monthly_data2 # Plot all figures in list fig = gridplot(figure_list, toolbar_location="left") # Save the figure save(fig)
[docs]def monthly_comparison(input_csv, out_dir=None, day_limit=10): """ Compare monthly average weather station data from `PyWeatherQAQC <>`_ with gridMET. The :func:`monthly_comparison` function produces HTML files with time series and scatter plots of station versus gridMET climate variables of monthly mean data. It uses the `bokeh <>`_ module to create interactive plots, e.g. they can be zoomed in/out and panned. Arguments: input_csv (str): path to input CSV file containing paired station/gridMET metadata. This file is created by running :mod:`gridwxcomp.prep_input` followed by :mod:`gridwxcomp.download_gridmet_opendap`. Keyword Arguments: out_dir (str): default None. Directory to save comparison plots. day_limit (int): default 10. Number of paired days per month that must exist for variable to be plotted. Returns: None Example: The :func:`monthly_comparison` function will generate HTML files with bokeh plots for paired climate variable, e.g. etr_mm, eto_mm, u2_ms, tmin_c, tmax_c, srad_wm2, ea_kpa, and Ko (dew point depression). From the command line, use the "plot" command with the ``[-t, --plot-type]`` option set to station-grid-comp and the ``[-f, --freq]`` option set to "monthly", .. code-block:: sh $ gridwxcomp plot merged_input.csv -t station-grid-comp -freq monthly -o monthly_plots or within Python, >>> from gridwxcomp.plot import monthly_comparison >>> monthly_comparison('merged_input.csv', 'monthly_plots') Both methods result in monthly HTML bokeh plots being saved to "monthly_plots/" which contains a plot file for each station as found in the input CSV file. If ``out_dir`` keyword argument or ``[-o, --out-dir]`` command line option is not given the plots will be saved to a directory named "monthly_comp_plots". Note: If there are less than 2 months of data the plot for that station will not be created. """ if not out_dir: out_dir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): print('{} does not exist, creating directory'.format(out_dir)) os.makedirs(out_dir) # # Import Station/GRIDMET meta data shapefile paired_data = pd.read_csv(input_csv, sep=',') # List of variables to compare (STATION/gridMET ORDER SHOULD MATCH) station_vars = ['TMin (C)', 'TMax (C)', 'wx_Ko_c', 'Rs (w/m2)', 'ws_2m (m/s)', 'Vapor Pres (kPa)', 'RHAvg (%)', 'Precip (mm)', 'ETo (mm)', 'ETr (mm)'] gridmet_vars = ['tmin_c', 'tmax_c', 'grid_Ko_c', 'srad_wm2', 'u2_ms', 'ea_kpa', 'rh_avg', 'prcp_mm', 'eto_mm', 'etr_mm'] # # Limit row processing range (testing) # start = 0 # end = 1 #Loop through each station/gridmet pair for index, row in paired_data.iterrows(): # # Limit iteration during development # if index < start: # continue # if index >= end: # break # clear previous datasets grid_data = [] station_data = [] start_date = [] end_date = []'\nStation: {}'.format(row.STATION_ID)) station_path = row.STATION_FILE_PATH # Check is station path is given in input if pd.isnull(station_path):'Station path is not given. Skipping.') continue # Skip If FILE DOES NOT EXIST if not os.path.exists(station_path):'SKIPPING {}. NO STATION FILE FOUND.'.format( station_path)) continue else: if station_path.endswith(('.xlsx','.xlx')): station_data = pd.read_excel(station_path, index_col=0, parse_dates=True, sheet_name='Corrected Data') else: station_data = pd.read_csv(station_path, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) start_date.append( end_date.append( # Import GRIDMET Data grid_path = row.GRID_FILE_PATH # Skip if GRIDMET FILE DOES NOT EXIST if not os.path.exists(grid_path): print('SKIPPING {}. NO GRIDMET FILE FOUND.'.format(grid_path)) continue else: grid_data = pd.read_csv(grid_path, sep=',',parse_dates=True, index_col='date') start_date.append( end_date.append( # prevent plotting gaps when time periods differ start_date = max(start_date) end_date = min(end_date) # Filter to specific year # grid_data = grid_data[grid_data['year'] == year] # Add Tdew to gridmet dataset Teten's equation ASCE REF-ET # supporting equations Appendix 2-1 grid_data['tdew_c'] = (116.91 + 237.3 * np.log(grid_data.ea_kpa)) /\ (16.78 - np.log(grid_data.ea_kpa)) # Calculate Tmin - Tdew = Ko for both Station and GridMET # Dew Point Depression grid_data['grid_Ko_c'] = grid_data.tmin_c - grid_data.tdew_c station_data['wx_Ko_c'] = station_data['TMin (C)'] - \ station_data['TDew (C)'] # grid RH Avg calc # Saturated Vapor Pressure grid_data['tavg_c'] = (grid_data.tmin_c + grid_data.tmax_c )/2 grid_data['e_sat_kpa'] = 0.6108*np.exp((17.27*grid_data.tavg_c)/ (grid_data.tavg_c+237.3)) # Average RH (%) grid_data['rh_avg'] = (grid_data.ea_kpa/grid_data.e_sat_kpa)*100 # Combine station and gridMET dataframes (only plotting variables) merged = pd.concat([station_data[station_vars], grid_data[gridmet_vars]], axis=1 ) merged = merged.loc[start_date:end_date] station_vars = ['TMin (C)', 'TMax (C)', 'wx_Ko_c', 'Rs (w/m2)', 'ws_2m (m/s)', 'Vapor Pres (kPa)', 'RHAvg (%)', 'Precip (mm)', 'ETo (mm)', 'ETr (mm)'] gridmet_vars = ['tmin_c', 'tmax_c', 'grid_Ko_c', 'srad_wm2', 'u2_ms', 'ea_kpa', 'rh_avg', 'prcp_mm', 'eto_mm', 'etr_mm'] # remove all pairs where one var missing for (x_var, y_var) in zip(station_vars,gridmet_vars): merged[[x_var, y_var]] = merged[[x_var, y_var]].dropna() # Monthly averages including count monthly = merged.groupby([lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.month]).agg( ['mean', 'sum' ,'count']) # Remove months with Less Than XX Days in average var_names = list(monthly.columns.levels)[0] for v in var_names: mask = monthly.loc[:,(v,'count')] < day_limit monthly.loc[mask,('sum', 'mean')] = np.nan # Rebuild Index DateTime monthly['year'] = monthly.index.get_level_values(0).values monthly['month'] = monthly.index.get_level_values(1).values monthly.index = pd.to_datetime( monthly.year * 10000 + monthly.month * 100 + 15, format='%Y%m%d') if len(monthly.index) < 2:'Skipping. Less than 2 months of observations.') continue # Output Folder out_folder = os.path.join(out_dir, 'monthly_comp_plots') # '{}'.format( # row.STATION_ID.replace(" ",""))) # Create path if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(out_folder): os.makedirs(out_folder) # Output to HTML file out_file_path = os.path.join(out_folder, '{}.html')\ .format(row.STATION_ID.replace(" ", "")) output_file(out_file_path) # list of x variables x_var_list= station_vars # list of y variables y_var_list= gridmet_vars # title list title_list= ['TMin: Monthly Average', 'TMax: Monthly Average', 'Ko: Monthly Average' , 'Rs: Monthly Average: Monthly Average', 'WS 2m: Monthly Average', 'ea: Monthly Average', 'RH Avg: Monthly Average', 'Prcp: Monthly Total', 'ETo: Monthly Average', 'ETr: Monthly Average'] # timeseries y label list ts_ylabel_list = ['TMin (C)', 'TMax (C)', 'Ko (C)', 'Rs (w/m2)', 'WS 2m (m/s)', 'ea (kPa)', 'Avg RH (%)', 'Prcp (mm)', 'ETo (mm)', 'ETr (mm)'] # scatter xlabel list xlabel_list= ['Station TMin (C)', 'Station TMax (C)', 'Station Ko (C)','Station Rs (w/m2)', 'Station WS 2m (m/s)', 'Station ea (kPa)', 'Station RH (%)', 'Station Prcp (mm)', 'Station ETo (mm)', 'Station ETr (mm)'] # scatter ylabel list ylabel_list=['gridMET TMin (C)', 'gridMET TMax (C)', 'gridMET Ko (C)','gridMET Rs (w/m2)', 'gridMET WS 2m (m/s)', 'gridMET ea (kPa)', 'gridMET RH (%)', 'gridMET Prcp (mm)', 'gridMET ETo (mm)', 'gridMET ETr (mm)'] stat_list = ['mean','mean','mean','mean', 'mean','mean','mean', 'sum', 'mean','mean'] # legendx list legendx_list = ['Station'] * len(title_list) # legend y list legendy_list = ['gridMET'] * len(title_list) # empty list to append figures to figure_list = [] # loop through and create figures for each variable using vars # and plot labels from lists above for i, (x_var, y_var, title, ts_ylabel, xlabel, ylabel, legendx, legendy, stat) in enumerate(zip(x_var_list, y_var_list, title_list, ts_ylabel_list, xlabel_list, ylabel_list, legendx_list, legendy_list, stat_list)): # lstsq cannot have nans (drop nas for each var separately) monthly2 = monthly[[x_var, y_var]] monthly2 = monthly2.dropna() if monthly2.empty:"Skipping {}. No Data.".format(x_var)) continue if i == 0: # Initial timeseries plot to establish xrange for link axes p1 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=400, x_axis_type="datetime",title = title, y_axis_label = ts_ylabel) p1.line(monthly.index.to_pydatetime(), monthly[x_var, stat], color="navy", alpha=0.5, legend_label=legendx,line_width=2) p1.line(monthly.index.to_pydatetime(), monthly[y_var, stat], color="red", alpha=0.5, legend_label=legendy,line_width=2) else: # Timeseries plots after first pass p1 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=400, x_axis_type="datetime",title = title, y_axis_label = ts_ylabel, x_range=p1.x_range) p1.line(monthly.index.to_pydatetime(), monthly[x_var, stat], color="navy", alpha=0.5, legend_label=legendx,line_width=2) p1.line(monthly.index.to_pydatetime(), monthly[y_var, stat], color="red", alpha=0.5, legend_label=legendy,line_width=2) # 1 to 1 Plot # Regression through Zero # # zero-interception-in-linear-regression/9994484#9994484 m = np.linalg.lstsq(monthly2[x_var, stat].values.reshape(-1,1), monthly2[y_var, stat], rcond=None)[0][0] r_x, r_y = zip(*((i, i*m ) for i in range( int(np.min([monthly2[y_var, stat], monthly2[x_var, stat]])-2), int(np.max([monthly2[y_var, stat], monthly2[x_var, stat]])+3),1))) # Plots p2 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_axis_label = xlabel, y_axis_label = ylabel, title = 'Slope Through Zero: m = {}'.format( round(m,4)))[x_var, stat], monthly2[y_var, stat], size=15, color="navy", alpha=0.5) p2.line([int(np.min([monthly2[y_var, stat], monthly2[x_var, stat]])-2),int(np.max( [monthly2[y_var, stat],monthly2[x_var, stat]])+2)], [int(np.min([monthly2[y_var, stat], monthly2[x_var, stat]])-2),int(np.max( [monthly2[y_var, stat],monthly2[x_var, stat]])+2)], color = "black", legend_label = '1 to 1 line') p2.line(r_x, r_y, color="red", legend_label = 'Reg thru zero') p2.legend.location = "top_left" # Append [p1, p2] to figure_list (create list of lists) figure_list.append([p1, p2]) # Plot all figures in list fig = gridplot(figure_list, toolbar_location="left") # Save the figure save(fig)
[docs]def station_bar_plot(summary_csv, layer, out_dir=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, title=None, subtitle=None, year_subtitle=True): """ Produce an interactive bar chart comparing multiple climate stations to each other for a particular variable, e.g. bias ratios or interpolated residuals. Arguments: summary_csv (str): path to summary CSV produced by either :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios` or by :func:`gridwxcomp.interpolate`. Should contain ``layer`` data for plot. layer (str): name of variable to plot. Keyword Arguments: out_dir (str or None): default None. Output directory path, default is 'station_bar_plots' in parent directory of ``summary_csv``. x_label (str or None): default None. Label for x-axis. y_label (str or None): default None. Label for y-axis, defaults to ``layer``. title (str or None): default None. Title of plot. subtitle (str, list, or None): default None. Additional subtitle(s) for plot. year_subtitle (bool): default True. If true print subtitle on plot with the max year range used for station data, e.g. 'years: 1995-2005' Example: Let's say we want to compare the mean growing seasion bias ratios of reference evapotranspiration (ETr) for the selection of stations we used to calculate bias ratios. The summary CSV file containing the ratios should be first created using :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. >>> from gridwxcomp.plot import station_bar_plot >>> # path to summary CSV with station data >>> in_file = 'monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_all_yrs.csv' >>> layer = 'growseason_mean' >>> station_bar_plot(in_file, layer) The resulting file will be saved using the layer name as a file name:: 'monthly_ratios/station_bar_plots/growseason_mean.html' The plot file will contain the mean growing season bias ratios of ETr for each station, sorted from smallest to largest values. This function may also be used for any numerical data in the summary CSV files that are created by :func:`gridwxcomp.interpolate` in addition to those created by :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. The main requirement is that ``summary_csv`` must contain the column 'STATION_ID' and the ``layer`` keyword argument. Raises: FileNotFoundError: if ``summary_csv`` is not found. KeyError: if ``layer`` does not exist as a column name in ``summary_csv``. """ if not Path(summary_csv).is_file(): err_msg = '\n{} is not a valid path to a summary CSV file!'.\ format(summary_csv) raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) df = pd.read_csv(summary_csv, na_values=[-999]) if not layer in df.columns: err_msg = '\nColumn {} was not found in {}'.format(layer, summary_csv) raise KeyError(err_msg) df.sort_values(layer, inplace=True) = 'dummy_name' # fix internal to bokeh- reset_index source = ColumnDataSource(df) # hover tooltip with station and value tooltips = [ ("station", "@STATION_ID"), ("value", "@{}".format(layer)), ] hover = models.HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) if not y_label: y_label = layer # save to working directory in 'station_bar_plots' if not specified if not out_dir: out_dir = Path(summary_csv).parent/'station_bar_plots' else: out_dir = Path(out_dir) if not out_dir.is_dir(): print('\n{}\nDoes not exist, making directory'.format( out_dir.absolute())) out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_file = out_dir/'{}.html'.format(layer) print('\nCreating station bar plot for variable: ', layer, '\nUsing data from file: ', Path(summary_csv).absolute()) output_file(out_file) p = figure(x_range=df.STATION_ID, y_axis_label=y_label, title=title) p.vbar(x='STATION_ID', top=layer, width=0.8, source=source) p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi/2 p.add_tools(hover, models.BoxSelectTool()) if year_subtitle: # add data range (years start to end) as subtitle min_yr = int(df.start_year.min()) max_yr = int(df.end_year.max()) if min_yr == max_yr: year_str = 'year: {}'.format(min_yr) else: year_str = 'years: {}-{}'.format(min_yr, max_yr) # caution note if not all stations use full year range if not (df.end_year==max_yr).all() or not (df.start_year==min_yr).all(): year_str = '{} (less years exist for some stations)'.\ format(year_str) p.add_layout(models.Title(text=year_str, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') # add arbitrary number of custom subtitles as lines above plot if isinstance(subtitle, (list, tuple)): for st in subtitle: p.add_layout(models.Title(text=st, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') elif subtitle: p.add_layout(models.Title(text=subtitle, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') save(p) print('\nPlot saved to: ', out_file.absolute())
def arg_parse(): """ Create time series and scatter comparison plots between paired station and gridMET climatic variables or bar plots comparing multiple stations for a single variable. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=arg_parse.__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) optional = parser._action_groups.pop() # optionals listed second required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') required.add_argument( '-i', '--input', metavar=None, required=True, help='Input CSV, if type="station-grid-comp" use file created by '+\ ', if type="station-bar" use file created '+\ 'by or') optional.add_argument( '-t', '--plot-type', required=False, type=str, default='station-grid-comp', help='Plot type, station comparison bar plot "station-bar" for a '+\ 'single variable, or station to gridMET time series comparison '+\ 'for multiple variables "station-grid-comp"') optional.add_argument( '-v', '--variable', required=False, type=str, default='annual_mean', help='Variable to plot for --type="station-bar" plots, default '+\ '"annual_mean", can also pass a comma separated list: e.g. '+\ '"Jan_mean,Jan_res,Jan_est"') optional.add_argument( '-o', '--out-dir', required=False, type=str, default=None, help='Output directory to save comparison plots') optional.add_argument( '-f', '--freq', required=False, type=str, default='daily', help='Time frequency for station-grid-comp plots, "daily" or "monthly"') optional.add_argument( '--x-label', required=False, type=str, default=None, help='X-axis label for station bar plot, when --type="station-bar"') optional.add_argument( '--y-label', required=False, type=str, default=None, help='Y-axis label for station bar plot, when --type="station-bar"') optional.add_argument( '--title', required=False, type=str, default=None, help='Plot title for station bar plot, when --type="station-bar"') optional.add_argument( '--subtitle', required=False, type=str, default=None, help='Plot subtitle for station bar plot, when --type="station-bar" '+\ ', supports multiple lines as comma separated list') optional.add_argument( '--year-subtitle', required=False, default=True, action='store_false', help='Add years used for station bar plot as subtitle') optional.add_argument( '-y', '--year', required=False, default='', type=str, help='Year to plot when freq="daily" type="station-grid-comp", '+\ 'single year or range YYYY or YYYY-YYYY') optional.add_argument( '--debug', default=logging.INFO, const=logging.DEBUG, help='Debug level logging', action="store_const", dest="loglevel") parser._action_groups.append(optional) # to avoid optionals listed first args = parser.parse_args() return args if __name__ == '__main__': args = arg_parse() logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel, format='%(message)s')'\n{}'.format('#' * 80))'{0:<20s} {1}'.format( 'Run Time Stamp:',' ')))'{0:<20s} {1}'.format('Current Directory:', os.getcwd()))'{0:<20s} {1}'.format( 'Script:', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) if args.plot_type == 'station-grid-comp': # all options for time aggregation of plotting data time_freqs = ['daily', 'monthly'] # check plot frequency option if not args.freq in time_freqs: print( '\n{} is not a valid time frequency, available options: {}'.\ format(args.freq, ', '.join([t for t in time_freqs])) ) elif args.freq == 'daily': # call gridwxcomp.daily_comparison daily_comparison(input_csv=args.input, out_dir=args.out_dir, year_filter=args.year) elif args.freq == 'monthly': if args.year: print('\nWarning: the --year, -y option is not used for'+\ ' creating monthly avg. plots, all years will be used.') monthly_comparison(input_csv=args.input, out_dir=args.out_dir) elif args.plot_type == 'station-bar': if args.year: print('\nWarning: the --year, -y option is not used for'+\ ' creating monthly avg. plots, all years will be used.') if args.subtitle: args.subtitle = args.subtitle.split(',') # run one or multiple variables for station bar plots variables = args.variable.split(',') if len (variables) == 1: station_bar_plot(summary_csv=args.input, layer=args.variable, out_dir=args.out_dir, x_label=args.x_label, y_label=args.y_label, title=args.title,subtitle=args.subtitle, year_subtitle=args.year_subtitle) else: for v in variables: station_bar_plot(summary_csv=args.input, layer=v, out_dir=args.out_dir, x_label=args.x_label, y_label=args.y_label, title=args.title, subtitle=args.subtitle, year_subtitle=args.year_subtitle) else: print('{} is an invalid option for plot type'.format(args.plot_type), '\navailable options include: ', '\n'.join(['station-gridmet','station-station']))