Source code for gridwxcomp.spatial

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Perform multiple workflows needed to estimate the spatial surface (and
other related outputs) of monthly and annual station-to-grid bias ratios for
meteorological variables. The input file is first created by

    GRIDMET_RES (float): constant gridMET cell size in decimal degrees,
        value = 0.041666666666666664.
    PT_ATTRS (tuple): all attributes expected to be in point shapefile
        created for stations except station and drid IDs.

    All spatial files, i.e. vector and raster files, utilize the
    *ESRI Shapefile* or GeoTiff format. 
    * logging 


import os
import re
import argparse
import copy
from math import ceil, pow, sqrt
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import move

import fiona
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, mapping
from fiona import collection
from import from_epsg
from osgeo import gdal, osr, ogr
from rasterstats import zonal_stats as zstats

# allows for CL script usage if gridwxcomp not installed
    from .plot import station_bar_plot
    from .util import get_gridmet_meta_csv
    from plot import station_bar_plot
    from util import get_gridmet_meta_csv

# constant gridmet resolution in decimal degrees
GRIDMET_RES = 0.041666666666666664
# point shapefile attributes with exception of station and grid IDs
   'Jan_mean', 'Feb_mean', 'Mar_mean', 'Apr_mean', 'May_mean', 
   'Jun_mean', 'Jul_mean', 'Aug_mean', 'Sep_mean', 'Oct_mean', 
   'Nov_mean', 'Dec_mean', 'Jan_count', 'Feb_count', 'Mar_count', 
   'Apr_count', 'May_count', 'Jun_count', 'Jul_count', 'Aug_count', 
   'Sep_count', 'Oct_count', 'Nov_count', 'Dec_count', 'Jan_stdev', 
   'Feb_stdev', 'Mar_stdev', 'Apr_stdev', 'May_stdev', 'Jun_stdev', 
   'Jul_stdev', 'Aug_stdev', 'Sep_stdev', 'Oct_stdev', 'Nov_stdev', 
   'Dec_stdev', 'Jan_cv', 'Feb_cv', 'Mar_cv', 'Apr_cv', 'May_cv', 
   'Jun_cv', 'Jul_cv', 'Aug_cv', 'Sep_cv', 'Oct_cv', 'Nov_cv', 'Dec_cv',
   'growseason_mean', 'summer_mean', 'annual_mean', 'growseason_count', 
   'summer_count', 'annual_count', 'growseason_stdev', 'summer_stdev', 
   'annual_stdev', 'growseason_cv', 'summer_cv', 'annual_cv'

OPJ = os.path.join
def main(input_file_path, layer='all', out=None, grid_id_name='GRIDMET_ID',
        buffer=25, scale_factor=0.1, function='invdist', smooth=0, params=None,
        grid_res=None, z_stats=True, res_plot=True, overwrite=False, 
        options=None, grid_meta_path=None):
    Create point shapefile of monthly mean bias ratios from comprehensive
    CSV file created by :mod:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. Build fishnet grid 
    around the climate stations that matches the gridMET dataset. Perform 
    spatial interpolation to estimate 2-dimensional surface of bias ratios and 
    extract interpolated values to gridMET (or other gridded data) cells. 
        input_file_path (str): path to [var]_summary_comp CSV file containing 
            monthly bias ratios, lat, long, and other data. Shapefile 
            "[var]_summary_pts.shp" is saved to parent directory of 
            ``input_file_path`` under a subdirectory named "spatial".

    Keyword Arguments:
        layer (str or list): default 'all'. Name of variable(s) in ``in_path``
            to conduct 2-D interpolation. e.g. 'Annual_mean'.
        out (str): default None. Subdirectory to save GeoTIFF rasters.
        buffer (int): number of gridMET cells to expand the rectangular extent
            of the subgrid fishnet (default=25). 
        scale_factor (float, int): scaling factor to apply to original
            gridMET fishnet to create resampling fishnet. For example,
            if scale_factor = 0.1, the resolution will be one tenth of 
            the original girdMET resolution resulting in a 400 m resolution.
        function (str): default 'invdist'. Interpolation method, gdal 
            methods include 
            * 'invdist' 
            * 'indistnn' 
            * 'linear' 
            * 'average'
            * 'nearest'
            see `gdal_grid <>`_.
            Radial basis functions, see :class:`scipy.interpolate.Rbf`, 
            * 'multiquadric'
            * 'inverse'
            * 'gaussian'
            * 'linear_rbf'
            * 'cubic'
            * 'quintic'
            * 'thin_plate'
        smooth (float): default 0. Smooth parameter for Rbf functions.
        params (dict, str, or None): default None. Parameters for interpolation
            using gdal, see defaults in :class:`gridwxcomp.InterpGdal`.
        overwrite (bool): default False. If True overwrite the grid 
            shapefile that already exists.
        z_stats (bool): default True. Calculate zonal means of interpolated
            surface to gridMET cells in fishnet and save to a CSV file. 
            The CSV file will be saved to the same directory as the interpolated
            raster file(s).
        res_plot (bool): default True. Make bar plot for residual (error)
            between interpolated and station value for ``layer``.
        options (str or None): default None. Extra command line arguments
            for gdal interpolation.
        grid_meta_path (str): default None. Path to metadata CSV file 
            that contains all grid cells. If None it is looked for at the 
            install directory of gridwxcomp (i.e. with pip install) or within 
            the current directory as "gridmet_cell_data.csv". If using other
            grid (not gridMET) need to specify it here. Note this metadata file
            may be created for any uniform gridded dataset using 


        From the command line,

        .. code-block:: sh

            $ python -i monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv 

        This will produce a subdirectory under "monthly_ratios" named
        "spatial" where a point shapefile will be saved as 
        "etr_mm_summary_pts.shp". It will also create a spatially referenced 
        fishnet of gridMET cells (at "monthly_ratios/spatial/grid.shp") with 
        a buffer of 25 gridMET cells added around the encompassed climate 
        stations. Next a 2-dimensional surface is interpolated from the point 
        data of each mean bias ratio in etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv which 
        includes monthly, growing season, summer, and annual means using the 
        inverse distance weighting method. The interpolated rasters are saved 
        with file names of the form::
        where [time_period] refers to the bias ratio time aggregate e.g. 
        Apr_mean or Annual_mean. Resolution in meters of the spatially 
        interpolated raster, gridMET variable name, and interpolation function 
        are saved to the output directory which can have additional parent 
        subdirectories if the ``out`` argument is given. Zonal mean statistics 
        are calculated for gridMET cells in the fishnet that was created. They 
        are saved to::
        The contents of the CSV file will look something like::
            ==========  ========  ========  ========  ========
            GRIDMET_ID  Apr_mean  Aug_mean  Dec_mean  ...
            ==========  ========  ========  ========  ========
            515902      1.028707  0.856440  1.058291  ...
            514516      1.035543  0.862066  1.065963  ...
            ...         ...       ...       ...       ...
            ==========  ========  ========  ========  ========
        Alternatively, to use a smaller buffer zone on the fishnet grid 
        used for interpolation if, for example, extrapolation is not needed, 
        use the ``[-b, --buffer]`` option

        .. code-block:: sh

            $ python -i monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv -b 5

        Or, if we wanted to interpolate to a 200 m resolution 
        (i.e. scale_factor = 0.05, 0.05 x 4 km = 200 m) using the 'inverse'
        radial basis function,
        .. code-block:: sh

            $ python -i monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv -s 0.05 -f 'inverse'        

        To calculate zonal means for a different climate variable, e.g. 
        observed ET ("eto_mm"), as opposed to reference ET (default) use the 
        corresponding input file
        .. code-block:: sh

            $ python -i monthly_ratios/eto_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv -s 0.05 -f 'inverse'                

        In this case the final zonal statistics of zonal mean bias ratios 
        will be saved to::

        To run interpolation of a single layer that is not part of the default
        mean layers, e.g. the coefficient of variation of the growing season
        bias ratio, assign the ``[-l, --layer]`` option,
        .. code-block:: sh

            $ python -i monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv -l April_to_oct_cv
        Also see examples of :func:`make_points_file`, :func:`make_grid`, 
        :func:`interpolate`, and the :class:`gridwxcomp.InterGdal` class.

    # build fishnet for interpolation
    # run spatial interpolation depending on options

[docs]def make_points_file(in_path, grid_id_name='GRIDMET_ID'): """ Create vector shapefile of points with monthly mean bias ratios for climate stations using all stations found in a comprehensive CSV file created by :mod:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. Arguments: in_path (str): path to [var]_summary_comp.CSV file containing monthly bias ratios, lat, long, and other data. Shapefile "[var]_summary_pts.shp" is saved to parent directory of ``in_path`` under "spatial" subdirectory. Returns: None Example: Create shapefile containing point data for all climate stations in input summary file created by :mod:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios` >>> from gridwxcomp import spatial >>> # path to comprehensive summary CSV >>> summary_file = 'monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv' >>> spatial.make_points_file(summary_file) The result is the file "etr_mm_summary_pts.shp" being saved to a subdirectory created in the directory containing ``in_path`` named "spatial", i.e.:: "monthly_ratios/spatial/etr_mm_summary_pts.shp". Raises: FileNotFoundError: if input summary CSV file is not found. Note: :func:`make_points_file` will overwrite any existing point shapefile of the same climate variable. """ if not os.path.isfile(in_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Input summary CSV file: '+\ '{}\nwas not found.'.format(in_path)) print( '\nMapping point data for climate stations in: \n', in_path, '\n' ) in_df = pd.read_csv(in_path, index_col='STATION_ID', na_values=[-999]) # add in potentially missing columns to avoid errors when no ratios exist # in input that are expected by schema/attribute table missing_vars = list(set(PT_ATTRS).difference(in_df.columns)) in_df = in_df.reindex(columns=list(in_df.columns) + missing_vars) # save shapefile to "spatial" subdirectory of in_path path_root = os.path.split(in_path)[0] file_name = os.path.split(in_path)[1] # get variable name from input file prefix var_name = file_name.split('_summ')[0] out_dir = OPJ(path_root, 'spatial') out_file = OPJ(out_dir, '{v}_summary_pts.shp'.format(v=var_name)) print( 'Creating point shapefile of station bias ratios, saving to: \n', os.path.abspath(out_file), '\n' ) # create output directory if does not exist if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): print( out_dir, ' does not exist, creating directory.\n' ) os.mkdir(out_dir) crs = from_epsg(4326) # WGS 84 projection # attributes of shapefile schema = { 'geometry': 'Point', 'properties': { 'Jan': 'float', 'Feb': 'float', 'Mar': 'float', 'Apr': 'float', 'May': 'float', 'Jun': 'float', 'Jul': 'float', 'Aug': 'float', 'Sep': 'float', 'Oct': 'float', 'Nov': 'float', 'Dec': 'float', 'summer': 'float', 'growseason': 'float', 'annual': 'float', 'Jan_cnt': 'float', 'Feb_cnt': 'float', 'Mar_cnt': 'float', 'Apr_cnt': 'float', 'May_cnt': 'float', 'Jun_cnt': 'float', 'Jul_cnt': 'float', 'Aug_cnt': 'float', 'Sep_cnt': 'float', 'Oct_cnt': 'float', 'Nov_cnt': 'float', 'Dec_cnt': 'float', 'summer_cnt': 'float', 'grow_cnt': 'float', 'annual_cnt': 'float', 'Jan_std': 'float', 'Feb_std': 'float', 'Mar_std': 'float', 'Apr_std': 'float', 'May_std': 'float', 'Jun_std': 'float', 'Jul_std': 'float', 'Aug_std': 'float', 'Sep_std': 'float', 'Oct_std': 'float', 'Nov_std': 'float', 'Dec_std': 'float', 'summer_std': 'float', 'grow_std': 'float', 'annual_std': 'float', 'Jan_cv': 'float', 'Feb_cv': 'float', 'Mar_cv': 'float', 'Apr_cv': 'float', 'May_cv': 'float', 'Jun_cv': 'float', 'Jul_cv': 'float', 'Aug_cv': 'float', 'Sep_cv': 'float', 'Oct_cv': 'float', 'Nov_cv': 'float', 'Dec_cv': 'float', 'summer_cv': 'float', 'grow_cv': 'float', 'annual_cv': 'float', 'STATION_ID': 'str', grid_id_name: 'int' }} # remove nans- gdal will not recognize in_df = in_df.where(pd.notnull(in_df), None) # create shapefile from points, overwrite if exists with collection( out_file, 'w', driver='ESRI Shapefile', crs=crs, schema=schema) as output: # loop through stations and add point data to shapefile for index, row in in_df.iterrows(): print( 'Saving point data for station: ', index, ) point = Point(float(row.STATION_LON), float(row.STATION_LAT)) output.write({ 'properties': { 'Jan': row['Jan_mean'], 'Feb': row['Feb_mean'], 'Mar': row['Mar_mean'], 'Apr': row['Apr_mean'], 'May': row['May_mean'], 'Jun': row['Jun_mean'], 'Jul': row['Jul_mean'], 'Aug': row['Aug_mean'], 'Sep': row['Sep_mean'], 'Oct': row['Oct_mean'], 'Nov': row['Nov_mean'], 'Dec': row['Dec_mean'], 'summer': row['summer_mean'], 'growseason': row['growseason_mean'], 'annual': row['annual_mean'], 'Jan_cnt': row['Jan_count'], 'Feb_cnt': row['Feb_count'], 'Mar_cnt': row['Mar_count'], 'Apr_cnt': row['Apr_count'], 'May_cnt': row['May_count'], 'Jun_cnt': row['Jun_count'], 'Jul_cnt': row['Jul_count'], 'Aug_cnt': row['Aug_count'], 'Sep_cnt': row['Sep_count'], 'Oct_cnt': row['Oct_count'], 'Nov_cnt': row['Nov_count'], 'Dec_cnt': row['Dec_count'], 'summer_cnt': row['summer_count'], 'grow_cnt': row['growseason_count'], 'annual_cnt': row['annual_count'], 'Jan_std': row['Jan_stdev'], 'Feb_std': row['Feb_stdev'], 'Mar_std': row['Mar_stdev'], 'Apr_std': row['Apr_stdev'], 'May_std': row['May_stdev'], 'Jun_std': row['Jun_stdev'], 'Jul_std': row['Jul_stdev'], 'Aug_std': row['Aug_stdev'], 'Sep_std': row['Sep_stdev'], 'Oct_std': row['Oct_stdev'], 'Nov_std': row['Nov_stdev'], 'Dec_std': row['Dec_stdev'], 'summer_std': row['summer_stdev'], 'grow_std': row['growseason_stdev'], 'annual_std': row['annual_stdev'], 'Jan_cv': row['Jan_cv'], 'Feb_cv': row['Feb_cv'], 'Mar_cv': row['Mar_cv'], 'Apr_cv': row['Apr_cv'], 'May_cv': row['May_cv'], 'Jun_cv': row['Jun_cv'], 'Jul_cv': row['Jul_cv'], 'Aug_cv': row['Aug_cv'], 'Sep_cv': row['Sep_cv'], 'Oct_cv': row['Oct_cv'], 'Nov_cv': row['Nov_cv'], 'Dec_cv': row['Dec_cv'], 'summer_cv': row['summer_cv'], 'grow_cv': row['growseason_cv'], 'annual_cv': row['annual_cv'], 'STATION_ID': index, grid_id_name: row[grid_id_name] }, 'geometry': mapping(point) } )
[docs]def get_subgrid_bounds(in_path, buffer, grid_res=None): """ Calculate bounding box for spatial interpolation grid from comprehensive summary CSV file containing monthly bias ratios and station locations. Arguments: in_path (str): path to comprehensive summary file containing monthly bias ratios, created by :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. buffer (int): number of gridMET cells to expand the rectangular extent of the subgrid fishnet. Returns: bounds (tuple): tuple with coordinates in decimal degrees that define the outer bounds of the subgrid fishnet in the format (min long, max long, min lat, max lat) Raises: FileNotFoundError: if input summary CSV file is not found. Note: By expanding the grid to a larger area encompassing the climate stations of interest :func:`interpolate` can be used to extrapolate passed the bounds of the outer station locations. """ if not os.path.isfile(in_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Input summary CSV file given'+\ ' was invalid or not found') in_df = pd.read_csv(in_path) # user provided uniform grid, cell_size should be in dec. degrees if grid_res is not None: CELL_SIZE = grid_res else: CELL_SIZE = GRIDMET_RES # values are centroids of gridmet, get corners lons = in_df.sort_values('LON')['LON'].values lon_min = lons[0] - CELL_SIZE / 2 lon_max = lons[-1] + CELL_SIZE / 2 lats = in_df.sort_values('LAT')['LAT'].values lat_min = lats[0] - CELL_SIZE / 2 lat_max = lats[-1] + CELL_SIZE / 2 # expand bounding extent based on buffer cells lon_min -= CELL_SIZE*buffer lat_min -= CELL_SIZE*buffer lon_max += CELL_SIZE*buffer lat_max += CELL_SIZE*buffer bounds = lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max return bounds
[docs]def make_grid(in_path, bounds=None, buffer=25, overwrite=False, grid_id_name='GRIDMET_ID', grid_meta_path=None, grid_res=None): """ Make fishnet grid (vector file of polygon geometry) for select gridcells based on bounding coordinates. Add grid ID values to each cell based on their centroid. If using gridMET, lookup in ``gridwxcomp/gridmet_cell_data.csv``. Assigns the WGS84 reference coordinate system. The grid is later used to spatially interpolate point data. Modified from the `Python GDAL/OGR Cookbook <>`_. Arguments: in_path (str): path to [var]_summary_comp_[years].csv file containing monthly bias ratios, lat, long, and other data. Created by :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. Keyword Arguments: bounds (tuple or None): default None. Tuple of bounding coordinates in the following order (min long, max long, min lat, max lat) which need to be in decimal degrees. Need to align with grid resolution outer corners. If None, get extent from centoid locations of climate stations in ``in_path`` summary CSV. buffer (int): default 25. Number of gridcells to expand the rectangular extent of the subgrid fishnet and interpolated output raster. overwrite (bool): default False. If True overwrite the grid shapefile at ``out_path`` if it already exists. grid_id_name (str): default "GRIDMET_ID". Name of gridcell identifier if using a non-gridMET gridded dataset. grid_meta_path (str): default None. Path to metadata CSV file that contains all grid cells. If None it is looked for at the install directory of gridwxcomp (i.e. with pip install) or within the current directory as "gridmet_cell_data.csv". Only needed when using a gridded product other than the default gridMET. grid_res (float): default None. Cell size of grid in decimal degrees if using a grid that is not gridMET. Returns: None Examples: Build a fishnet uniform grid that matches gridMET cells around climate stations found in ``in_path`` summary CSV file with a 25 cell buffer. >>> from gridwxcomp import spatial >>> # assign input paths >>> summary_file = 'monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv' >>> # make fishnet of gridMET cells for interpolation >>> spatial.make_grid(summary_file) The file will be saved as "grid.shp" to a newly created subdirectory "spatial" in the same directory as the input summary CSV file. i.e.:: monthly_ratios/ ├── etr_mm_summary_all_yrs.csv ├── etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv └── spatial/ ├── grid.cpg ├── grid.dbf ├── grid.prj ├── grid.shp └── grid.shx To use a smaller buffer to the extent of the grid assign the ``buffer`` keyword argument >>> spatial.make_grid(summary_file, buffer=5) If the grid file already exists the default action is to not overwrite. To overwrite an existing grid if, for example, you are working with a new set of climate stations as input, then set the ``overwrite`` keyword argument to True. >>> spatial.make_grid(summary_file, overwrite=True, buffer=5) Raises: FileNotFoundError: if input summary CSV file is not found. Note: If cells in the fishnet grid lie outside of the gridMET master fishnet for the contiguous U.S., the grid ID (``grid_id_name``) will be assigned to -999. """ if not os.path.isfile(in_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Input summary CSV file given'+\ ' was invalid or not found') # save grid to "spatial" subdirectory of in_path path_root = os.path.split(in_path)[0] out_dir = OPJ(path_root, 'spatial') out_path = OPJ(out_dir, 'grid.shp') # skip building grid if already exists if os.path.isfile(out_path) and not overwrite: print( '\nFishnet grid already exists at: \n', out_path, '\nnot overwriting.\n' ) return # print message if overwriting existing grid elif os.path.isfile(out_path) and overwrite: print( '\nOverwriting fishnet grid at: \n', out_path, '\n' ) # create output directory if does not exist if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): print( os.path.abspath(out_dir), ' does not exist, creating directory.\n' ) os.mkdir(out_dir) # user provided uniform grid, cell_size should be in dec. degrees if grid_res is not None: CELL_SIZE = float(grid_res) else: CELL_SIZE = GRIDMET_RES # get grid extent based on station locations in CSV if not bounds: bounds = get_subgrid_bounds(in_path, buffer=buffer, grid_res=CELL_SIZE) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = bounds # read path and make parent directories if they don't exist if not os.path.isdir(path_root): print( os.path.abspath(path_root), ' does not exist, creating directory.\n' ) os.makedirs(path_root) print( '\nCreating fishnet grid for subset of gridcells, \n', '\nSouthwest corner (lat, long): {:9.4f}, {:9.4f}'.format(ymin, xmin), '\nNortheast corner (lat, long): {:9.4f}, {:9.4f}'.format(ymax, xmax), ) # get n rows rows = ceil((ymax-ymin) / CELL_SIZE) # get n columns cols = ceil((xmax-xmin) / CELL_SIZE) # start grid cell envelope ringXleftOrigin = xmin ringXrightOrigin = xmin + CELL_SIZE ringYtopOrigin = ymax ringYbottomOrigin = ymax - CELL_SIZE # add spatial reference system WGS 84, add argument to CreateLayer #dest_srs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference() #dest_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # create output file outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') if os.path.exists(out_path): os.remove(out_path) outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource(out_path) outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer(out_path,geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon ) featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() # create grid cells countcols = 0 while countcols < cols: countcols += 1 # reset envelope for rows ringYtop = ringYtopOrigin ringYbottom = ringYbottomOrigin countrows = 0 while countrows < rows: countrows += 1 ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop) ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYtop) ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYbottom) ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYbottom) ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) # add new geom to layer outFeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) outFeature.SetGeometry(poly) outLayer.CreateFeature(outFeature) outFeature = None # new envelope for next poly ringYtop = ringYtop - CELL_SIZE ringYbottom = ringYbottom - CELL_SIZE # new envelope for next poly ringXleftOrigin = ringXleftOrigin + CELL_SIZE ringXrightOrigin = ringXrightOrigin + CELL_SIZE # Save and close DataSources outDataSource = None print( '\nFishnet shapefile successfully saved to: \n', os.path.abspath(out_path), '\n' ) # reopen grid and assign grid attributes and coord. ref. _update_subgrid(out_path, CELL_SIZE, grid_id_name=grid_id_name, grid_meta_path=grid_meta_path)
def get_cell_ID(coords, cell_data, grid_id_name, grid_res): """ Helper function that calculates the grid ID for a cell using the bounding coordinates of the cell. Uses the :class:`Fiona.geometry.Polygon` object and lookups grid ID from the grid metadata associated with the grid. Arguments: coords (list): list of coordinates that constitute a polygon for a gridcell. Coordinates must be acceptable as arguments to :class:`fiona.geometry.Polygon`. cell_data (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`): pandas dataframe of the grid metadata CSV file for the grid being used. Returns: gridmet_id (int): gridMET ID value for gridMET cell that is defined by the bounding polygon defined by ``coords``. """ CS = grid_res poly = Polygon(coords) lon_c = poly.bounds[0] + CS / 2 lat_c = poly.bounds[1] + CS / 2 # use centroid of cell and centroid coords in cell_data row = cell_data.loc[ (np.isclose(cell_data.LON, lon_c)) & (np.isclose(cell_data.LAT, lat_c)) ] # if cell falls outside of master gridMET fishnet assign -999 id if len(row[grid_id_name].values) == 1: grid_id = int(row[grid_id_name].values[0]) else: print( 'Cell centroid (lat, long): {:9.4f}, {:9.4f}'.format(lat_c, lon_c), '\nfalls outside of the gridMET dataset, ', 'assigning {} (cell ID) attribute -999'.format(grid_id_name) ) grid_id = -999 return grid_id def _update_subgrid(grid_path, grid_res, grid_id_name='GRIDMET_ID', grid_meta_path=None): """ Helper function to assign grid ID values and EPSG WGS 84 projection to fishnet grid. Arguments: grid_path (str): path to fishnet grid shapefile for subset of gridcells which contain climate stations being analyzed. Keyword Arguments: grid_meta_path (str): default None. Path to metadata CSV file that contains all gridcells. If None it is assumed that the grid is from gridMET and it is looked for at the install directory of gridwxcomp (i.e. with pip install) or within the current directory as "gridmet_cell_data.csv". Returns: None Raises: FileNotFoundError: if ``grid_path`` or ``grid_meta_path`` are not found. If ``grid_meta_path`` is not passed as a command line argument and is not found in the gridwxcomp install directory and it is not in the current working directory and named "gridmet_cell_data.csv". """ if not os.path.isfile(grid_path): raise FileNotFoundError('The file path for the grid fishnet '\ +'was invalid or does not exist. ') # for building from user's grid (not gridMET) if grid_meta_path is not None: if not Path(grid_meta_path).is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError('ERROR: Grid metadata file not found') # otherwise assume gridMET data else: # look for pacakged gridmet_cell_data.csv if path not given grid_meta_path = get_gridmet_meta_csv( gridmet_meta_path=grid_meta_path) tmp_out = grid_path.replace('.shp', '_tmp.shp') # load gridMET metadata file for looking up gridMET IDs grid_meta_df = pd.read_csv(grid_meta_path) # WGS 84 projection crs = from_epsg(4326) # overwrite fishnet grid with updated GRIDMET_ID field with, 'r') as source: print( 'Adding grid IDs ({}) to fishnet grid, saving to: \n'.format( grid_id_name), os.path.abspath(grid_path), '\n' ) n_cells = len([f for f in source]) print( 'Looking up and assigning values for ', n_cells, ' gridcells.\n' ) # Copy the source schema and add GRIDMET_ID property. sink_schema = source.schema sink_schema['properties'][grid_id_name] = 'int' # overwrite file add spatial reference with tmp_out, 'w', crs=crs, driver=source.driver, schema=sink_schema ) as sink: # add GRIDMET_ID feature to outfile for feature in source: coords = feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0] grid_id = get_cell_ID( coords, grid_meta_df, grid_id_name, grid_res ) feature['properties'][grid_id_name] = grid_id sink.write(feature) # cannot open same file and write to it on Windows, overwrite temp root_dir = os.path.split(grid_path)[0] for f in os.listdir(root_dir): if '_tmp' in f: move(OPJ(root_dir, f), OPJ(root_dir, f.replace('_tmp', ''))) print( 'Completed assigning grid IDs to fishnet. \n' )
[docs]def interpolate(in_path, layer='all', out=None, scale_factor=0.1, function='invdist', smooth=0, params=None, bounds=None, buffer=25, z_stats=True, res_plot=True, grid_id_name='GRIDMET_ID', grid_res=None, options=None, grid_meta_path=None): """ Use various methods to interpolate a 2-dimensional surface of calculated bias ratios or other statistics for station/gridMET pairs found in input comprehensive summary CSV. Options allow for modifying down- or up-scaling the resolution of the resampling grid and to select from multiple interpolation methods. Interploated surfaces are saved as GeoTIFF rasters. Zonal statistics using :func:`zonal_stats` are also extracted to gridMET cells in the fishnet grid built first by :func:`make_grid`. Arguments: in_path (str): path to [var]_summary_comp_[years].csv file containing monthly bias ratios, lat, long, and other data. Created by :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. Keyword Arguments: layer (str or list): default 'all'. Name of variable(s) in ``in_path`` to conduct 2-D interpolation. e.g. 'Annual_mean'. out (str): default None. Subdirectory to save GeoTIFF raster(s). scale_factor (float, int): default 0.1. Scaling factor to apply to original grid resolution to create resampling resolution. If scale_factor = 0.1, the resolution will be one tenth gridMET resolution or 400 m. function (str): default 'invdist'. Interpolation method, gdal methods include: 'invdist', 'indistnn', 'linear', 'average', and 'nearest' see `gdal_grid <>`_. Radial basis functions, see :class:`scipy.interpolate.Rbf`, include: 'multiquadric', 'inverse', 'gaussian', 'linear_rbf', 'cubic', 'quintic', and 'thin_plate'. smooth (float): default 0. Smooth parameter for Rbf functions. params (dict, str, or None): default None. Parameters for interpolation using gdal, see defaults in :class:`gridwxcomp.InterpGdal`. bounds (tuple or None): default None. Tuple of bounding coordinates in the following order (min long, max long, min lat, max lat) which need to be in decimal degrees. Need to align with gridMET resolution outer corners. If None, get extent from centoid locations of climate stations in ``in_path`` summary CSV. buffer (int): default 25. Number of grid cells to expand the rectangular extent of the subgrid fishnet and interpolated output raster. z_stats (bool): default True. Calculate zonal means of interpolated surface to gridMET cells in fishnet and save to a CSV file. The CSV file will be saved to the same directory as the interpolated raster file(s). res_plot (bool): default True. Make bar plot for residual (error) between interpolated and station value for ``layer``. grid_id_name (str): default "GRIDMET_ID". Name of gridcell identifier if using a grid that is not gridMET. grid_res (float): default None. Grid resolution in decimal degrees if not using gridMET as the gridded dataset. options (str or None): default None. Extra command line arguments for gdal interpolation. grid_meta_path (str or None): default None. Path to metadata CSV file that contains all gridcells. If None it is looked for at the install directory of gridwxcomp (e.g. after pip install gridwxcomp) or within the current directory as 'gridmet_cell_data.csv'. Only used when using a gridded product other than the default gridMET. Returns: None Examples: Let's say we wanted to interpolate the "Annual_mean" bias ratio in an input CSV first created by :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios` and a fishnet grid was first created by :func:`make_grid`. This example uses the "invdist" method (default) to interpolate to a 400 m resolution surface. The result is a GeoTIFF raster that has an extent that encompasses station locations in the input file plus an additional optional buffer of outer gridMET cells. Additionally, point residuals of bias ratios are added to CSV and newly created point shapefiles, zonal (gridMET cell) means are also extracted and stored in a CSV. >>> from gridwxcomp import spatial >>> summary_file = 'monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv' >>> buffer = 10 >>> layer = 'annual_mean' >>> params = {'power':1, 'smooth':20} >>> out_dir = 's20_p1' # optional subdir name for saving rasters >>> interpolate(summary_file, layer=layer, out=out_dir, >>> scale_factor=0.1, params=params, buffer=buffer) The resulting file structure that is created by the above command is:: monthly_ratios/ ├── etr_mm_summary_all_yrs.csv ├── etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv └── spatial/ ├── etr_mm_invdist_400m/ │   └── s20_p1/ │   ├── annual_mean.tiff │   ├── annual_mean.vrt │   ├── etr_mm_summary_comp_all_yrs.csv │   ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.cpg │   ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.dbf │   ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.prj │   ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.shp │   ├── etr_mm_summary_pts.shx │   ├── zonal_stats.csv │   └── residual_plots │   └── annual_res.html ├── grid.cpg ├── grid.dbf ├── grid.prj ├── grid.shp └── grid.shx Specifically, the interpolated raster is saved to:: 'monthly_ratios/spatial/etr_mm_invdist_400m/s20_p1/Annual_mean.tiff' where the file name and directory is based on the variable being interpolated, methods, and the raster resolution. The ``out`` keyword argument lets us add any number of subdirectories to the final output directory, in this case the 's20_p1' dir contains info on params. In this case the original gridMET resolution is 4 km therefore the scale facter of 0.1 results in a 400 m resolution. The final result will be the creation of the CSV:: 'monthly_ratios/spatial/etr_mm_invdist_400m/s20_p1/zonal_stats.csv' In "zonal_stats.csv" the zonal mean for ratios of annual station to gridMET ETr will be stored along with gridMET IDs, e.g. ========== ================= GRIDMET_ID Annual_mean ========== ================= 515902 0.87439453125 514516 0.888170013427734 513130 0.90002197265625 ... ... ========== ================= To calculate zonal statistics of bias ratios that are not part of the default or command line workflow we can assign any numeric layer in the input summary CSV to be interpolations. For example if we wanted to interpolate the coefficient of variation of the growing season bias ratio "April_to_oct_cv", then we could estimate the surface of this variable straightforwardly, >>> layer = 'April_to_oct_cv' >>> func = 'invdistnn' >>> # we can also 'upscale' the interpolation resolution >>> interpolate(summary_file, layer=layer, scale_factor=2, >>> function=func, buffer=buffer) This will create the GeoTIFF raster:: 'monthly_ratios/spatial/etr_mm_invdistnn_400m/April_to_oct_cv.tiff' And the zonal means will be added as a column named "April_to_oct_cv" to:: 'monthly_ratios/spatial/etr_mm_invdistnn_400m/zonal_stats.csv' As with other components of ``gridwxcomp``, any other climatic variables that exist in the gridMET dataset can be used along with any corresponding station time series data from the user. The input (``in_path``) to all routines in :mod:`gridwxcomp.spatial` is the summary CSV created by :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`, the prefix to this file is what determines the climatic variable that spatial analysis is conducted. See :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios` for examples of how to use different climatic variables, e.g. TMax or ETo. Raises: FileNotFoundError: if the input summary CSV file or the fishnet for extracting zonal statistics do not exist. The fishnet should be in the subdirectory of ``in_path`` i.e. "<in_path>/spatial/grid.shp". Note: This function can be used independently of :func:`make_grid` however, if the buffer and input [var]_summary_comp_[years].csv files arguments differ from those used for :func:`interpolate` the raster may not fully cover the fishnet which may result in gaps in the zonal statistics. """ # avoid circular import for InterpGdal for gdal interpolation methods try: from gridwxcomp.interpgdal import InterpGdal except: # for use as script, i.e. $ python spatial ... from interpgdal import InterpGdal if not os.path.isfile(in_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Input summary CSV file given'+\ ' was invalid or not found') # for building from user's grid (not gridMET) if grid_meta_path is not None: if not Path(grid_meta_path).is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError('ERROR: Grid metadata file not found') # otherwise assume gridMET data else: # look for pacakged gridmet_cell_data.csv if path not given grid_meta_path = get_gridmet_meta_csv( gridmet_meta_path=grid_meta_path) # user provided uniform grid, cell size should be in dec. degrees if grid_res is not None: CS = grid_res else: # assume gridMET CS = GRIDMET_RES # calc raster resolution in decimal degrees res = scale_factor * CS # path to save raster of interpolated grid scaled by scale_factor path_root = os.path.split(in_path)[0] file_name = os.path.split(in_path)[1] # get variable name from input file prefix grid_var = file_name.split('_summary')[0] if not out: out_dir = OPJ( 'spatial', '{}_{}_{:.5f}_deg'.format(grid_var, function, res) ) elif out == str(Path(in_path).parent): out_dir = OPJ( 'spatial', '{}_{}_{:.5f}_deg'.format(grid_var, function, res) ) print( 'WARNING: output subdirectory for rasters cannot be named ' 'the same as the parent directory holding the input ' 'summary CSV file. Output will be saved to:\n{}'.format( out_dir ) ) else: out_dir = OPJ( 'spatial', '{}_{}_{:.5f}_deg'.format(grid_var, function, res), out ) def _run_rbf_interpolation(out_dir, layer, bounds, function, smooth): """Workflow for running scipy Rbf interpolation of scatter points""" # if running scipy methods prepend root dir to out path out_dir = OPJ(path_root, out_dir) if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): print( os.path.abspath(out_dir), ' does not exist, creating directory.\n' ) Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_file = OPJ( out_dir, '{time_agg}.tiff'.format(time_agg=layer) ) print( '\nInterpolating {g} point bias ratios for: {t}\n'.\ format(g=grid_var, t=layer), 'Using the "{}" method\n'.format(function), 'Resolution (pixel size) of output raster: {} degrees'.format(res) ) print( 'GeoTIFF raster will be saved to: \n', os.path.abspath(out_file) ) # get grid extent based on station locations in CSV if not bounds: bounds = get_subgrid_bounds(in_path, buffer=buffer, grid_res=CS) lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = bounds # fix any minor adjustments to make raster fit gridMET fishnet extent # if scale_factor=1 make sure raster pixels align exactly w/gridcells # raster extent may exceed fishnet grid to fill gaps for zonal stats if scale_factor: nxcells = abs(lon_min-lon_max) / (CS*scale_factor) nycells = abs(lat_min-lat_max) / (CS*scale_factor) remainder_x = int(nxcells) - nxcells remainder_y = int(nycells) - nycells if abs(remainder_x) > CS: remainder_x -= CS * (remainder_x / CS) if abs(remainder_y) > CS: remainder_y -= CS * (remainder_y / CS) lon_min -= remainder_x lon_max += CS lat_min -= remainder_y lat_min -= CS # check if layer is in summary CSV existing_layers = pd.read_csv(in_path).columns if not layer in existing_layers: print('Column {} does not exist in input CSV:\n {}'.format( layer, in_path), '\nSkipping interpolation.' ) return # get point station data from summary CSV in_df = pd.read_csv(in_path, na_values=[-999]) lon_pts, lat_pts = in_df.STATION_LON.values, in_df.STATION_LAT.values values = in_df[layer].values # mask out stations with missing data if in_df[layer].isnull().sum() > 0: mask = in_df[layer].notnull() n_missing = in_df[layer].isna().sum() # if one point or less data points exists exit if len(mask) == n_missing or len(values) - n_missing == 1: print('Missing sufficient point data for variable: {} {}'.\ format(grid_var, layer), '\nNeed at least two stations with data, skipping.') return print('Warning:\n', 'Data missing for {} of {} stations for variable: {} {}'.\ format(n_missing, len(values), grid_var, layer), '\nproceeding with interpolation.') # get locations where ratio is not nan values = values[mask] lon_pts = lon_pts[mask] lat_pts = lat_pts[mask] nx_cells = int(np.round(np.abs((lon_min - lon_max) / CS))) ny_cells = int(np.round(np.abs((lat_min - lat_max) / CS))) # rbf requires uniform grid (n X n) so # extend short dimension and clip later nx_cells_out = copy.copy(nx_cells) ny_cells_out = copy.copy(ny_cells) # gdal requires "upper left" corner coordinates lat_max_out = copy.copy(lat_max) lon_max_out = copy.copy(lon_max) # extend short dimension to make square grid if not nx_cells == ny_cells: diff = np.abs(nx_cells - ny_cells) if nx_cells > ny_cells: lat_max += diff * CS ny_cells += diff else: lon_max += diff * CS nx_cells += diff if scale_factor == 1: # make finer/coarse grid by scale factor lons = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max, int(np.round(nx_cells/scale_factor))-1) lats = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, int(np.round(ny_cells/scale_factor))-1) # extent for original created by spatial.build_subgrid # add one to make sure raster covers full extent lons_out = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max_out, int(np.round(nx_cells_out/scale_factor))-1) lats_out = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max_out, int(np.round(ny_cells_out/scale_factor))-1) else: # add one extra cell to cover grid buffer extent for upscaling # raster extent always >= grid buffer lons = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max, int(np.round(nx_cells/scale_factor))) lats = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, int(np.round(ny_cells/scale_factor))) lons_out = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max_out, int(np.round(nx_cells_out/scale_factor))) lats_out = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max_out, int(np.round(ny_cells_out/scale_factor))) # if function was 'linear_rbf' function = function.replace('_rbf', '') # make sampling square grid XI, YI = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) # apply rbf interpolation rbf = Rbf(lon_pts, lat_pts, values, function=function, smooth=smooth) ZI = rbf(XI, YI) # clip to original extent, rbf array flips axes, and row order... ZI_out = ZI[0:len(lats_out),0:len(lons_out)] ZI_out = np.flip(ZI_out,axis=0) #### save scipy interpolated data as raster pixel_size = CS * scale_factor # number of pixels in each direction x_size = len(lons_out) y_size = len(lats_out) # set geotransform info gt = [ lon_min, pixel_size, 0, lat_max_out, 0, -pixel_size ] # make geotiff raster driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') ds = driver.Create( out_file, x_size, y_size, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ) # set projection geographic lat/lon WGS 84 srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) # assign spatial dimensions ds.SetGeoTransform(gt) outband = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # save rbf interpolated array as geotiff raster close outband.WriteArray(ZI_out) ds = None # calc residuals add to shapefile and in_path CSV, move shape to out_dir # only residuals for bias ratios, i.e. not for std dev, etc if layer in InterpGdal.default_layers: calc_pt_error(in_path, out_dir, layer, grid_var, grid_id_name=grid_id_name ) # calculate zonal statistics save means for each gridMET cell if z_stats: zonal_stats(in_path, out_file, grid_id_name=grid_id_name) # plot layer's interpolated residuals as bar plot witheach Wx station # only produce residual plots for bias ratios, i.e. not for std dev, etc if res_plot and layer in InterpGdal.default_layers: layer = InterpGdal.var_residual_names.get( layer, layer.replace('mean','res') ) y_label = 'residual (interpolated minus station value)' title = 'layer: {} algorithm: {} (RBF) resolution: {} deg.'.format( layer, function ,res) res_plot_dir = Path(out_dir)/'residual_plots' subtitle='parameters: smooth={}'.format(smooth) source_file = Path(out_dir)/Path(in_path).name station_bar_plot(source_file, layer, out_dir=res_plot_dir, y_label=y_label, title=title, subtitle=subtitle) # run gdal_grid interpolation if function in InterpGdal.interp_methods: if not bounds: bounds = get_subgrid_bounds(in_path, buffer=buffer, grid_res=CS) gg = InterpGdal(in_path) gg.gdal_grid(layer=layer, out_dir=out_dir, interp_meth=function, params=params, bounds=bounds, scale_factor=scale_factor, z_stats=z_stats, res_plot=res_plot, grid_res=CS, grid_id_name=grid_id_name, options=options) # scipy radial basis function interpolation for now # run interpolation and zonal statistics depending on layer kwarg else: if layer == 'all': # potential for multiprocessing for l in InterpGdal.default_layers: _run_rbf_interpolation(out_dir, l, bounds, function, smooth) # single layer option elif isinstance(layer, str): _run_rbf_interpolation(out_dir, layer, bounds, function, smooth) # run select list or tuple of layers elif isinstance(layer, (list, tuple)): for l in layer: _run_rbf_interpolation(out_dir, l, bounds, function, smooth)
[docs]def calc_pt_error(in_path, out_dir, layer, grid_var, grid_id_name='GRIDMET_ID'): """ Calculate point ratio estimates from interpolated raster, residuals, and add to output summary CSV and point shapefile. Make copies of updated files and saves to directory with interpolated rasters. Arguments: in_path (str): path to comprehensive summary CSV created by :mod:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios` out_dir (str): path to dir that contains interpolated raster layer (str): layer to calculate error e.g. "annual_mean" grid_var (str): name of grid variable e.g. "etr_mm" Returns: None Note: This function should be run **after** :func:`make_points_file` because it copies data from the shapefile it created. """ raster = str(Path(out_dir)/'{}.tiff'.format(layer)) pt_shp = '{}_summary_pts.shp'.format(grid_var) pt_shp = str(Path(in_path).parent/'spatial'/pt_shp) if not Path(pt_shp).is_file(): make_points_file(in_path, grid_id_name=grid_id_name) pt_shp_out = str(Path(out_dir)/'{}_summary_pts.shp'.format(grid_var)) # mean fields in point shapefile does not include '_mean' pt_layer = layer.replace('_mean', '') if pt_layer == 'growseason': pt_layer = 'grow' # names of new fields for estimated and residual e.g. Jan_est, Jan_res pt_est = '{}_est'.format(pt_layer) pt_res = '{}_res'.format(pt_layer) print('\nExtracting interpolated data at station locations and \n', 'calculating residuals for layer:', layer) pt_err = pd.DataFrame(columns=[pt_est, pt_res]) # read raster for layer and get interpolated data for each point with as shp: for feature in shp: STATION_ID = feature['properties']['STATION_ID'] coords = feature['geometry']['coordinates'] # Read pixel value at the given coordinates using Rasterio # sample() returns an iterable of ndarrays. try: with as src: value = [v for v in src.sample([coords])][0][0] except: err_msg = ('ERROR: at least one station location does not' ' overlap with the interpolated raster') raise Exception(err_msg) # store interpolated point estimates of ratios pt_err.loc[STATION_ID, pt_est] = value # merge estimated point data with observed to calc residual pt_err['STATION_ID'] = pt_err.index # read summary CSV with observed ratios in_df = pd.read_csv(in_path, index_col='STATION_ID', na_values=[-999]) in_df.loc[pt_err.index, pt_est] = pt_err.loc[:, pt_est] # calculate residual estimated minus observed in_df.loc[:,pt_res] = in_df.loc[:,pt_est] - in_df.loc[:,layer] # save/overwrite error to input CSV for future interpolation in_df.to_csv(in_path, index=True, na_rep=-999) # save copy of CSV with updated error info to out_dir with rasters out_summary_csv = Path(out_dir)/Path(in_path).name if not out_summary_csv.is_file(): in_df.to_csv(str(out_summary_csv), index=True, na_rep=-999) else: out_df = pd.read_csv(str(out_summary_csv), index_col='STATION_ID') out_df.loc[pt_err.index, pt_est] = pt_err.loc[:, pt_est] out_df.loc[pt_err.index, pt_res] = in_df.loc[pt_err.index, pt_res] out_df.to_csv(out_summary_csv, index=True, na_rep=-999) # error info to new point shapefile in raster directory if not Path(pt_shp_out).is_file(): with, 'r') as inf: schema = inf.schema.copy() input_crs = # add attributes for point estimate and residual to output points schema['properties'][pt_est] = 'float' schema['properties'][pt_res] = 'float' with, 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema, input_crs) as outf: for feat in inf: STATION_ID = feat['properties']['STATION_ID'] feat['properties'][pt_est] =\ float(in_df.loc[STATION_ID, pt_est]) feat['properties'][pt_res] =\ float(in_df.loc[STATION_ID, pt_res]) outf.write(feat) # if already exists update point shapefile else: tmp_out = pt_shp_out.replace('.shp', '_tmp.shp') with, 'r') as inf: schema = inf.schema.copy() input_crs = # add attributes for point estimate and residual to output points schema['properties'][pt_est] = 'float' schema['properties'][pt_res] = 'float' with, 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema, input_crs) as outf: for feat in inf: STATION_ID = feat['properties']['STATION_ID'] feat['properties'][pt_est] =\ float(in_df.loc[STATION_ID, pt_est]) feat['properties'][pt_res] =\ float(in_df.loc[STATION_ID, pt_res]) outf.write(feat) # keep tmp point file with new data and remove old version for f in os.listdir(out_dir): if '_tmp.' in f: move(OPJ(out_dir, f), OPJ(out_dir, f.replace('_tmp', ''))) # remove point shapefile from "spatial" directory and tmp files spatial_dir = Path(in_path).parent.joinpath('spatial') for f in os.listdir(spatial_dir): if Path(f).stem == '{}_summary_pts'.format(grid_var): # delete temp point shapefile (Path(in_path).parent/'spatial'/f).resolve().unlink() # delete tmp summary csv used in interpgdal _make_pt_vrt method tmp_csv = str(in_path).replace('.csv','_tmp.csv') if Path(tmp_csv).resolve().is_file(): Path(tmp_csv).resolve().unlink()
[docs]def zonal_stats(in_path, raster, grid_id_name='GRIDMET_ID'): """ Calculate zonal means from interpolated surface of etr bias ratios created by :func:`interpolate` using the fishnet grid created by :func:`make_grid`. Save mean values for each gridcell to a CSV file joined to grid IDs. Arguments: in_path (str): path to [var]_summary_comp_[years].csv file containing monthly bias ratios, lat, long, and other data. Created by :mod:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. raster (str): path to interpolated raster of bias ratios to be used for zonal stats. First created by :func:`interpolate`. Example: Although it is prefered to use this function as part of :func:`interpolate` or indirectly using the :mod:`gridwxcomp.spatial` command line usage. However if the grid shapefile and spatial interpolated raster(s) have already been created without zonal stats then, >>> from gridwxcomp import spatial >>> # assign input paths >>> summary_file = 'monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_comp_[years].csv' >>> raster_file = 'monthly_ratios/spatial/etr_mm_invdist_400m/Jan_mean.tiff' >>> spatial.zonal_stats(summary_file, raster_file) The final result will be the creation of:: 'monthly_ratios/spatial/etr_mm_invdist_400m/gridMET_stats.csv' The resulting CSV contains the gridMET IDS and zonal means for each gridMET cell in the fishnet which must exist at:: 'monthly_ratios/spatial/grid.shp' also see :func:`interpolate` Raises: FileNotFoundError: if the input summary CSV file or the fishnet for extracting zonal statistics do not exist. The fishnet should be in the subdirectory of ``in_path`` at "/spatial/grid.shp". Note: If zonal statistics are estimated for the same variable on the same raster more than once, the contents of that column in the zonal_stats.csv file will be overwritten. """ if not os.path.isfile(in_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Input summary CSV file given'+\ ' was invalid or not found') # look for fishnet created in 'in_path/spatial' path_root = os.path.split(in_path)[0] file_name = os.path.split(in_path)[1] # get variable names from input file prefix grid_var = file_name.split('_summ')[0] var_name = Path(raster).name.split('.')[0] # grid is in the "spatial" subdir of in_path grid_file = OPJ(path_root, 'spatial', 'grid.shp') # save zonal stats to summary CSV in same dir as raster as of version 0.3 raster_root = os.path.split(raster)[0] out_file = OPJ(raster_root, 'zonal_stats.csv') # this error would only occur when using within Python if not os.path.isfile(grid_file): raise FileNotFoundError( os.path.abspath(grid_file), '\ndoes not exist, create it using spatial.make_grid first' ) print( 'Calculating', grid_var, 'zonal means for', var_name ) # calc zonal stats and open for grid IDs with, 'r') as source: zs = zstats(source, raster, all_touched=True) grid_ids = [f['properties'].get(grid_id_name) for f in source] # get just mean values, zonal_stats can do other stats... means = [z['mean'] for z in zs] out_df = pd.DataFrame( data={ grid_id_name: grid_ids, var_name: means } ) out_df[grid_id_name] = out_df[grid_id_name].astype(int) # drop rows for cells outside of gridMET master grid out_df = out_df.drop(out_df[out_df[grid_id_name] == -999].index) # save or update existing csv file if not os.path.isfile(out_file): print( os.path.abspath(out_file), '\ndoes not exist, creating file' ) out_df.to_csv(out_file, index=False) else: # overwrite column values if exists, else append existing_df = pd.read_csv(out_file) existing_df[grid_id_name] = existing_df[grid_id_name].astype(int) if var_name in existing_df.columns: # may throw error if not same size as original grid try: existing_df.update(out_df) existing_df.to_csv(out_file, index=False) except: print('Zonal stats for this variable already exist but they', 'appear to have been calculated with a different grid', 'overwriting existing file at:\n', os.path.abspath(out_file) ) out_df.to_csv(out_file, index=False) else: existing_df = existing_df.merge(out_df, on=grid_id_name) #existing_df = pd.concat([existing_df, out_df], axis=1).drop_duplicates() existing_df.to_csv(out_file, index=False)
def arg_parse(): """ Command line usage of gridwxcomp for creating shapefiles of climate station point data of bias ratios, build fishnet around stations, perform spatial interpolation of ratios, and extract zonal means for gridcells. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=arg_parse.__doc__, #formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) optional = parser._action_groups.pop() # optionals listed second required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') required.add_argument( '-i', '--input', metavar='PATH', required=True, help='Input summary_comp CSV file of climate/grid bias ratios '+\ 'created by first running') optional.add_argument( '-l', '--layer', metavar='', required=False, default='all', type=str, help='Layer(s) to perform spatial interpolation in input summary '+\ 'CSV, if multiple use comma separation e.g. Jan_mean,Aug_mean') optional.add_argument( '-o', '--out-dir', metavar='PATH', required=False, help='Subdirectory to save interpolated rasters') optional.add_argument( '-gin', '--grid-id-name', metavar='', required=False, type=str, default='GRIDMET_ID', help='Gridcell identifier if using a grid that '+\ 'is not gridMET') optional.add_argument( '-gr', '--grid-res', metavar='', required=False, type=float, default=None, help='Grid resolution if using a grid that '+\ 'is not gridMET') optional.add_argument( '-b', '--buffer', required=False, default=25, type=int, metavar='', help='Number of gridcells to expand outer bounds of fishnet '+\ 'which can be used for extrapolation') optional.add_argument( '-s', '--scale', required=False, default=0.1, type=float, metavar='', help='Scale factor used on grid resolution to down/upscale '+\ 'interpolation output raster') optional.add_argument( '-f', '--function', required=False, default='invdist', type=str, metavar='', help='Function to use for spatial interpolation, gdal'+\ ' methods include invdist, invdistnn, average, nearest,'+\ ' and linear. Radial basis functions include: multiquadric,'+\ ' inverse, gaussian, linear_rbf, cubic, quintic, thin_plate') optional.add_argument( '--smooth', required=False, default=0, type=float, metavar='', help='Smooth parameter for radial basis func interpolation methods') optional.add_argument( '-p', '--params', required=False, default=None, type=str, metavar='', help='Parameter string e.g. ":power=2:smoothing=.1:nodata=-999" for'+\ ' gdal_grid spatial interpolation methods') optional.add_argument( '-z', '--no-zonal-stats', required=False, default=True, action='store_false', help='Flag to NOT extract zonal means of'+\ ' interpolated rasters to gridcells') optional.add_argument( '--overwrite-grid', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Flag to overwrite existing fishnet grid') optional.add_argument( '-r', '--no-resid-plot', required=False, default=True, action='store_false', help='Flag to NOT generate residual plot'+\ ' between observed and interpolated station values') optional.add_argument( '--options', required=False, default=None, type=str, metavar='', help='Additional command line options for gdal_grid interpolation') optional.add_argument( '-g', '--grid-meta', metavar='', required=False, default=None, help='Grid metadata CSV file with cell data, needed if not using '+\ 'gridMET as the gridded dataset') # optional.add_argument( # '--debug', default=logging.INFO, const=logging.DEBUG, # help='Debug level logging', action="store_const", dest="loglevel") parser._action_groups.append(optional)# to avoid optionals listed first args = parser.parse_args() return args if __name__ == '__main__': args = arg_parse() # parse layers if multiple layer = args.layer layer = layer.split(',') if len(layer) == 1: layer = layer[0] # get single layer as string main( input_file_path=args.input, layer=layer, out=args.out_dir, grid_id_name=args.grid_id_name, buffer=args.buffer, scale_factor=args.scale, function=args.function, smooth=args.smooth, params=args.params, grid_res=args.grid_res, z_stats=args.no_zonal_stats, overwrite=args.overwrite_grid, res_plot=args.no_resid_plot, options=args.options, grid_meta_path=args.grid_meta )